With the new license key system i am trying to also simplify downloading from the site.
one of the advantages to the new license system is it will let us always make the most recent version of every program available for everyone to download. Two programs which were previously only members only (form letter machine, clipboard help+spell) are now available for public downloading.
the member download page will be obsolete by the end of the week.
in its place i am putting a new page with a very concise list of all programs available for download on the site, sorted by release date.
in this way you should be able to click on that page and in 4 seconds see if there are any new releases on the site you want to download, and then download them directly. So this should make it really easy for members to keep updated.
The new download start page
https://www.donation.../Software/index.html has been adjusted with links to this release page and also the new keyfile page.
I'd appreciate any comments about the new layouts and any difficulties getting the license key thing to work.
(Note not all programs have been updated with license key support yet, so far only screenshot captor, clipboard help+spell, and the form letter machine; the rest should be finished in a day or two).