OK, I decided to go with IDimager Pro. I used their "competitive upgrade" offer and paid a bit less: $118.15. Still a big bite though! Dormouse, I'll give it a good try; I currently have 20,700 files in a little under 700 folders. Organization is now by category. File naming is very hit or miss - I had different ideas at different times and did a lot of batch renaming in ACDSee. I really need to overhaul how I organize my photos! From directory structure right down to a consistent and effective file naming convention. Hopefully I will be able to comprehend IDimager and get it all under control with that.
Mike, if it turns out to be an upgrade free-for-all I would most likely just chalk another $118.15 up to experience, dump this, and start looking all over again!! Zoner really does look interesting but while reading through their forums I saw a few things that gave me pause. One was that the batch processing is missing some key capabilities. Looks like there are some problems working with tags/keywords as a batch. Maybe just isolated for some but that would be a complete killer for me.
I realize that IDimager won't do anything at all for me WRT editing and effects but I'll find another app for that. I was using Paint Shop Pro X for that but I read that the latest version, X3, is loaded once again with that Protexis crap and this time the usual hack to disable/remove it isn't working. I won't buy it because of that. On the other hand, I did read somewhere that folks are complaining mightily that X3 doesn’t play well at all in Windows 7, as was the problem with X2, but that my version, PSP X, apparently is working in Windows 7. Go figure. Maybe I'll give that a try or, failing that, buy a deeply discounted X2 Ultimate copy. First have to confirm that I will be able to use that on Win7.