Great find, thank you. One thing to notice though is how many of those are paid online services. Putting my notes on somebody else's server is a huge risk, so much so I don't think I want to pay for the privilege as well
Does anyone recall how Hotmail deleted many users' mail archives - I mean, entirely obliterated them! - a few years ago?
I've used Google Notebook during a business trip recently, and it worked fine. Being able to access it at the office and from my hotel room was incredibly useful. But I wouldn't use it for anything sensitive or any information I could risk losing, if Google decided to pull the service one day.
On a totally unrelated note, the list is also great for watching the wasteland that the domain name system has become. With all (and I mean all) English dictionary terms and useful combination thereof registered by DNS squatters, it's incredibly hard to come up with a pronounceable and illustrative name. I mean, "
I've just spent several nights hunting for an available domain name that would fit a project I'm working on, and while I finally hit on an acceptable name, it was a really frustrating experience.