- The GUI is a little obtuse. I didnt realize at first that you had to have UsageMon "running." maybe putting a toolbar button or something so this is more apparent would help. What are the other "set" commands (GDI, etc)? Do they monitor other resources for each process?
I already know this. First release (should have been beta) and I didn't include a help file or do much on ToolTips. This will get better for future releases. The interface was based on the WinXP Task Manager and will get better with each release.
Good idea with the toolbar.
You can set alarms forany or all of the objects: Memory Usage, GDI Objects and User Objects.
GDI Objects are what gets used when applications use graphics type command. I had a memory leak in my
Jeweled Button ActiveX and this tool would have help me monitor the GDI Objects.
- Could you make two alarms available? One (a warning) at some limit, and then another one if the memory continues to climb past a second limit (less of a warning, more of an alarm... maybe center of the screen)? See below for the reason why.
This is something I was unsure about. How to set the alarms. Should there be a single limit or upper / lower limit. I can easily make the alarm trigger at the limit with a warning and another alarm when it goes X% above with a critical warning.
I would really like to flesh this one out as its something I was unsure on how to handle. Lets discuss this topic further. Two limits set by the user? or based on a percentage of increase? Should they be different names like: Warning Limit / Critical Limit?
Also, the alarm was done quickly and will be re-evaluated in future releases.
- Could you make UsageMon remember it's settings? This way you could set it to monitor an exe and when you exited and restarted, UsageMon would be already configured to watch for the desired program.
This is not something that really could be done. The key to a process is its ID. You can see from Usage Monitor that process can share names but not ID's. Process ID's are not based on the application and therefore are issued new ID's each time the application starts. There would be no way to start monitoring a process on Start and be sure that it is the exact same process as before.
Let me think on this one as I understand your need.
- What is the refresh rate for updating the watched process? It seems to be a little slow for when the process first goes above the threshold, after that, it's fine. Could this maybe be an option? (Like from 1 to 30 seconds or something)
Refresh rate is set at 15 seconds. Options screen maybe be added in future releases. I just need to think of how many options I could have - ideas of what else you would want as an option?
- Can the text of the alarm be customizable? This is a very unimportant request... one of the guys at work just thought it would be funny to have a message like "You idiot, what are you doing?"
This is something I would probably not do right now as most users would not need and the amount of work would be too much. Maybe in a future, later release...
Thanx for the feedback. Please keep it coming. I will have a new release coming out in a couple of days to resolve some minor issues (like you can type letters in the limit input box - had the code to prevent but forgot to wire in).