« on: January 05, 2007, 02:10 PM »
Here is a great FREE multiplayer tank game with lots of action. In addition to fighting for your life online, there is also a mode where you set up a game and play the computer for practice and experience. It's a nice way to get going.
The aim of this article is to introduce the reader to Bzflags. Bzflags is a free software multiplayer 3D tank game that is frantic, full of immediate action, with a kill or be killed emphasis. The game is best served in multiplayer mode where you can hunt in packs, fight to the last ounce while chatting. Instant violent fun, gratification for those of you that need to let off steam and clear your minds living for the moment. However, because of my cowardly disposition and weak trigger finger, not to mention my poor reaction times, I have once again hired in my ten-year-old son Nelson to test out the various parts of the game and pretend to the world that he is me. I will interview him later in this article and take online credit for his kill ratios.
The name Bzflags is an abbreviation of Battle Zone Capture Flags. Named after, one assumes, Battlezone, a classic, vector-based arcade game that came out just after space invaders. Showing my age, I was addicted to Battlezone and never had quite enough pocket money to kill all the enemies my psyche required of me. I even ended up doing a paper round to pay for my addiction. Capturing the flag involves exactly that, one of your team members needs to ride over the enemy flag and then take the flag back to your rest zone. This is of course made more complex by the horde of charging tanks that wish to communicate with the flag capturer their physical respect. Yes, frantic, fast, and furious. If you don’t die ten times in any given game then you haven’t lived. Four teams play at any one time.
If you don’t die ten times in any given game then you haven’t lived...
Kenneth P. Reeder, Ph.D.
Clinical Psychologist
Jacksonville, North Carolina 28546
« Last Edit: January 05, 2007, 02:17 PM by KenR »