A Dark and Deadly Path v1.05.01 - December 31st, 2006
A super tiny little audio game engine

ADDP (A Dark And Deadly Path) is a tiny little interactive story game engine.
It works like the old Dragon's Lair LaserDisc game [1], or like those "choose your own adventure games [2], but is audio only and involves no graphics.
Basically an ADDP story/game is an audio story where the reader/play must choices along the way by pressing a key on the keyboard. The chioces may have to be made rapidly in quick succession within a narrow time window which can add an element of panic to the story - and make it a particular appropriate device for for suspense stories.
Audio files are normal .mp3 files that an author records with standard software. The game script is an .xml file with a format to be described in a separate file.
READ:Special thanks to Della for creating a test game/story for it!