Well, what springs first to mind is TrueLaunchBar followed closely by mouser's own LaunchBar Commander, then ObjectDock/ ObjectBar/ YZDock and MobyDock/ RocketDock/etc...
Thank you! True Launch Bar is almost impressive (remote control Windows Media Player, Apollo, Foobar, iTunes, J.River, jetAudio, MediaMonkey, Quintessential and Winamp). $20 seems okay.
ObjectDock is candy for the eyes, but will to my understanding not remote control any media players, or tell anything about the system - and you'll need the $20 version to have System Tray Support. But even $20 seems cheap.
ObjectBar is $20 and XP/2003 only. Mine is Win2K...
YZDock tells that "the clock and the trash bin are not yet implemented, but they will be shortly". That was of June 2003...
MobyDock (
http://www.download.com/3000-2341-10247255.html) has not been updated since November 2003, and is reported by other users to be a little buggy at first, and to use too much CPU (and I don't have a lot of that).
WinBar looks fine (Winamp only), but progress in development of the program is very slow, if any.
StatBar too looks fine (Winamp only), but has not been updated since July 2003.
Aqua Dock (
http://www.majorgeeks.com/download.php?det=4176) may be okay - it's hard to tell from the text: "a free program that allows you to have an “OS X” style, nice animated launchbar / taskbar on your screen that reacts to your mouse when you mouse over it. Users can customize the look of each item on the dock and set various animation options for when the mouse is over an item on the dock. It is very easy to configure."
RK Launcher (
http://home.cogeco.ca/~rklauncher/) looks very PRO, is though free. The version is 0.4 Beta of October 2005, and have at least one smart feature: "RK Launcher will automatically place a shortcut on the launcher when an application is started for the first time."
But then someone also mentioned
RocketDock (
which is new:
RocketDock is a smoothly animated, alpha-blended application launcher that is similar to ObjectDock. RocketDock renders quickly like MobyDock, has the visual sharpness of Y'z Dock, and the stability that neither seem to possess.
It is compatible with every dock skin format we are aware of. In fact, if you have a skin that doesn't load properly, send it to us, along with a screenshot of what it should look like and we'll see what we can do about integrating the format...
Compatible with MobyDock, ObjectDock, RK Launcher, and Y'z Dock skins
ObjectDock Docklet support
Unicode compliant
Simple drag-n-drop interface
True multi-monitor support
Supports alpha-blended ICO and PNG icons
Icons zoom and transition smoothly
Popup on mouse over
Layering options
Horizontal and Vertical offsets
Fully customizable
Runs great on slower computers
Supports many languages and can easily be translated
And best of all...its FREE
Supported Languages: 38, including Danish
Check out their free
ÜberIcon too:
http://www.punksoftware.com/ubericon RocketDock (and ÜberIcon) will be my first choice to try out.
Thank you for naming all these programs!