Just like to point out that Young's blog is now superior to many popular productivity blogs that have degraded in quality.
Nah, I'm not shilling. For an example of what I mean check this link out:
http://www.scotthyou...usy-to-accomplished/ Personally I feel Young adds a different niche for those who aren't into Merlin Mann's 43Folders and Leo Babauta's Zen Habits just to name a few well known blogs. The thing about Young is that his blog is actually easier to digest than what he writes on Lifehack because of it's soothing design and unique perspective on the little differences of productivity thoughts where as some productivity blogs are more generic and lifeless and often tends to expouse grand changes, ways to discipline yourself and simplicity without really making you think like you've read that person's thoughts and instead what that person wants you to get out of his writings. It's a very subtle down to earth difference. Guys like Young feel like they're the normal person just wanting to be productive and sharing their thoughts while other productivity blogs feel like they're people who want to get into productivity at all costs and are giving you tips expecting you to do the same.