Well, sorry for the delay in responding, but I got distracted and ended up staying away from the PC for a little bit.
In messing around with the hot keys, I ended up with the situation where CHS would keep popping up, as if the hot key for Capture/View/Spell was being pressed over and over again. Note that I don't think I'd set a hot key for Capture/View/Spell.
After this, I went in and explicitly set a hot key for each function, i.e. Capture/View/Spell, Character count, Add a quick note, .... Once I did this, all of the problems went away, and everything started to behave normally, as before.
I'm guessing that I had some strange invisible character set as a hot key, like maybe a blank space, and either I was typing it a lot, or JFW as somehow sending it to CHS whenever I was in a web page.
I'm happy now, although still curious, so if there's anything you want me to investigate, just let me know.