Again, this is for Explorer:
GetCurDir opens the current dir of Explorer in a command prompt when pressing Ctrl-D. No selection nessesary, and the window can be in the background.
To use it: Turn on the setting to show the entire path in the title bar of Explorer. I haven't got an english version, but it's something like Tools-Folder options-Show complete path in titlebar.
Edit: Updated to v1.0: Added detection of ordinary Explorer windows, the kind without the treeview. The other kind has priority, though.
Also, some of the pathless folders like My Computer wont show up.
Download and install AutoHotKey from Save the script as OpenOther.ahk and doubleclick to run.
;GetCurDir.ahk v1.0
;Open the current dir of Explorer in a command prompt by pressing Ctrl-D
;Skrommel @2005
IfWinExist,ahk_class ExploreWClass
WinGetTitle,title,ahk_class ExploreWClass
WinGetTitle,title,ahk_class CabinetWClass
Run,cmd /k cd %title%
WinActivate,ahk_class ConsoleWindowClass
WinWaitActive,ahk_class ConsoleWindowClass