Great idea for week six, tomos

Some observations I've made so far about my progress:
1) I've been using a hybrid system where i use index cards to write down every single task i have to do, sorted into folders for Today, Tomorrow, This Week, This Month, Long Term, etc. (I'll be making a long post about my "system" eventually).
2) I've been able to keep to this system very strictly, in that i never do anything that isn't on a card, and whenever i do something i mark it on a card and file it, and following the gtd approach every time i get an idea or new task i write it down so that i don't have to try to remember it.
3) for me, the single most important thing has been not having to try to remember things i have to do. i know that it's all written down, and periodically reviewing the cards is extremely helpfull for me, in avoiding forgetting stuff, but also in being able to see all of my obligations, which helps keep me from wasting time.
4) I still feel like i'm not working as efficiently as I'd like to, and i think the biggest thing missing for me is a more regular work schedule, so i'm going to focus on that for a bit.
5) Overall i've definitely benefitted from this stuff, and the use of this card system is a clear win for me, much better than todo lists ever were, and quite fun to see the completed cards pile up (I have about 125 completed cards since September 1st).
6) Even if i ended up not accomplishing more, the comfort of having a complete list of my tasks is a huge benefit to me and saves me the anxiety of always worrying i am forgetting to do something.
7) I still need to work on getting myself to automatically follow decisions - like not eating junk food, excercising, etc. i still seem to slip into old bad habits in this regard.

I'd like us to find a week or two to focus on such stuff, breaking bad habits and avoiding procrastination.