From the member who brought you the most viewed
idea, the idea behind Skrommel's
Ghoster, comes this request.
Current problem:
1) You download a zip file, let's say, to your desktop.
2) Double-click the zip file to load the default zip application and press a few other buttons to extract.
- or -
Right mouse button drag-drop to get the context menu to extract.
3) Extract the files to the desktop, and depending how the zip file was originally created and how you unzip it, you get:
i) all the files extracted on the desktop level folder, what a mess.
ii) a folder created with the zip file name, and in that, a second folder that was zipped, then the files with in that. Two levels of folders to go through to get to the files.
iii) a folder with a single installation exe file. Do you really need a folder for one file?
4) Then, after you straightened out the folders mess, you delete the original zip file. I can't stand to see on other people's computer, the zip file and the unzipped folder on the desktop, do you really need the two copies?
I would like to see an application do all the work for me. Double click a zip file, the application determines:
1) If there is a single file, extract it on the same level folder as the zip file
2) If there is single folder in the zip file with multiple files in that folder, extract it and put that folder on the same level as the zip file
3) If there is multiple files in the zip file without being zipped with a containing folder, create a folder with the zip filename and extract the files to it.
Then, it deletes the zip file. The only user input is the initial double click.
I know I'm not the only one that runs into this inconvenience. And there are a million archive extractors out there, but none I've seen can do this.