Hello, I’ve noticed a trend in the rate at which I’m acquiring knowledge for programming, certainly over the last few years and it seems to follow an exponential-style graph of knowledge.
I better explain what I mean be ‘knowledge’ and this is tricky so feel free to suggest alternative definitions; I’d like to narrow this notion down better. I’d be referring to the planning stage of a new project/feature to existing project whereby you work out, in your head or through ‘
cowboy’ programming, what the problems are which you’ll be likely to face. I’m defining ‘knowledge’ to be the cases where you already know a
very good solution to those problems. I want to be very general here and so solutions could be something you solved before, or perhaps you know a third party library or maybe you simply know a book or site that will aid you.
The key thing I’m getting at here is the rate at which this knowledge increases. I’ve been programming for over ten years, I started young perhaps but that may not have made any difference. What I’ve noticed is that over the past year I feel like I learned more than in say the previous nine. In the year before that I think I’d learned more than the previous eight.
See what I’m getting at? Anyone else get that feeling too?