My idea isn't too difficult, and I think it would help everyone out.
Basically, in Windows explorer, by typing the first letter of a file/folder - Windows sets focus to the first file/folder that begins with that letter (alphabetically). It would be really helpful if I could type first few letters to jump to the file/folder that begins with it.
For example, I have three folders named Moon, Monkey and Metacognition in the midst of hundreds of files and folders
by typing 'mo' in quick sucession Explorer sets focus to the folder begining with 'mo'... namely Moon. There could be a hotkey to toggle between files and folders - it could come in handy when files are sorted by date and you know exactly what it's called. The interface could be hidden, activated only by typing while focus in an explorer window or there could be a box that could appear at a hotkey or triple click ect.
Many Thanks