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Author Topic: Web clipping  (Read 3176 times)


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Web clipping
« on: July 24, 2022, 07:03 PM »
It's not been a priority for me, but I've not been completely happy with my web clippers for a while. The Tiago Forte emphasis on capture (him being a longtime Evernote user) made me look at it afresh. I'd already concluded that much of my web clipping fell into a selected/curated/unprocessed category and that I didn't need to bring most of them into my own formal note system. Historically Evernote was the web clipper I was happiest with.

But, like many other web clippers, it does not save images from web pages that require a password. That's a problem for me because I need the images (often articles make poor sense without them) and I visit many sites that require a password. I do have ways of dealing with it. I can do complete markdown downloads including images (although I don't usually want that). I can save the whole page in a number of ways. Vivaldi offers a range of options. There's OneNote too - it seems to have overcome the problem with images on password protected webpages (although I've thought that before with various programs, including Evernote and OneNote only to find out that the images themselves were not saved only the weblink). And I've just looked at Nimbus notes, which seemed to work.

So, I was just wondering which solutions were most popular here. Apart from the need to actually clip pages including images from any site I have open, password protected or not, my own preference is for quick, simple, multiplatform, webstored but easily downloaded. Ability to highlight, annotate and edit is desirable but only used sometimes, so not actually a requirement.

And some web clippers - like Pocket - just fail disgracefully acting as nothing better than a bookmark. Not even saving the text.
I realise the problem is that their bot visits the page independently and is refused entry, but that's no use to me if it has said that it has clipped the page. I need a process that captures the page while I have it open.

Nimbus is better, but it is far from perfect on all pages. Sometimes it appears to cutoff half way. I wonder if that is a size limit in the free version? But Evernote works on the page where Nimbus cuts off.

It feels as if I need to check the quality of the clip directly in tha app ost clipping before moving on.
« Last Edit: July 25, 2022, 03:55 PM by Dormouse »


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Re: Web clipping
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2022, 10:01 AM »
I am in search of a better web clipper myself as I have not found the perfect solution.  I am not sure about password protected sites.

Most recently I have been depending on the browser plugin single file, which is often overkill as it saves entire pages.  At one point I used a plugin called "scrapbook" which I recently found out has been resurrected by a developer as  "scrapyard" I have not looked deeply into it.  It seems to be well thought out and provide some interesting workflows to save bookmarks and webpages locally. It also has a android application. I believe the developer uses orgmode as their personal knowledge manager and scrapyyard ties into that.  It is open source.

I have also used zotero which did a great job capturing entire pages.   It seems it might be a possibility because many academic works that someone might want to collect content from are behind gateways requiring passwords. 

There was a period that I was using tagspace's web clipper. It allowed me to be more selective about what I was selecting from a page, and it saved the clipping locally as a html file which I could link to locally if need be.  I did not need to use the tag spaces app to use the  web clipper. 

For certain types of information I would use joplin as it would store in plain text with images and I could have it accessible in different computers I have syncing joplin.  It is similar to a markdown web clipper  Logseq has a few plugins that are similar as well.  One saves the simestamp of a youtube video which is a feature I have long needed.   

I know someone who loves rightnotes web clipper or bookmarks because of how they can copy and past the clipping including a hyperink to the url, but I have not checked it out too deeply.

I also know some people who use zootsoftware for web capturing.


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Re: Web clipping
« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2022, 09:22 AM »
Hi! As I understand clipping a web page is the process of extracting information from a web page and saving it in a format that can be easily reused or shared. Web clipping can be a useful way to collect data for research, save articles for later reading, or create a database of resources on a particular topic. There are a number of different tools available for web clipping, including browser extensions, dedicated apps, and online services. When choosing a web clipper, it is important to consider features like ease of use, compatibility with different browsers and operating systems, and whether you want features like annotation and sharing. There are many ways to clip the web, so find the tool that best fits your needs.