If you know how to filter, WireShark is more or less the be all, end all of network traffic inspection. While the filtering in and of itself isn't hard to do, applying proper filters could be. Which is why most people say it has a pretty steep learning curve.
WireShark is available for free on Windows.
For those that don't want to go through that hassle: NetworkMiner (this software already existed before mining crypto coins became a thing). Much less steep, also much less comprehensive than WireShark. But you might have quicker results with this one.
NetworkMiner is available for free on Windows. There is also a commercially licensed version of NetworkMiner, but that sets you back 1200 USD.
Both software packages require you to install a network capture tool, called: Npcap (for Windows 10 and 11). Earlier versions of Windows can still use Winpcap. Also freely available for Windows.
Can't point it out much clearer than this: use of this type of software is not simple. And don't expect much further help with that type of software unless you show you have done research about computer networking. For work, I am familiar with the tools I mentioned. Never had a need for something simpler, so I never looked further. Surely others may offer up simpler tools, but with the tools above you have at least something to work with.