Hi there,
i did not read this full thread, just last post.
I did attached an executable CLI program that might help for that matter.
How it work? Total easy ofc.
Extract file somewhere and call the kzToneGenerator.exe program to test it.
You'll be asked for Hz, Duration and Volume.
When sound output is done, application does self terminate.
Hz = Hertz
Duration = count in milliseconds / 1000 = 1 second
Volume = range from 0 to 1 / 0 = 0% volume, 1 = 100% volume
If tests are good, you can call it with 3 parameters, you guessed right, again Hz, Duration and Volume are needed.
Example: "kzToneGenerator.exe 100 1000 0.5" <<- would play a 100Hz sound for 1000ms(1sec) at half possible volume output.
Like it, tell me?!
Just a quicky made for you
(you can rename .exe name to whatever you want, program is portable, program is freeware)
Technical details:
Compiler: Delphi
Channels: 1 (mono)
SamplesPerSec: 44100
BitsPerSample: 32
All done via WinApi
VirusTotal results:
Program to play inaudible sound continuouslyI am sorry for two false-positives.