G'day mouser
I have encountered a small problem, more of a quirk actually, in Screenshot Captor.
I have just installed the latest portable version and while I had it open, I was doing some work within Irfanview on some files within a sub-directory of Screenshot Captor's default save directory and every time that I saved a file into this sub-directory, Screenshot Captor grabbed focus away from Irfanview.
It only happens, as best I can judge, after the save is completed, as I notice my hard drive stops spinning and then Screenshot Captor grabs focus (Updating it's database I suspect, for some reason, even though the file is being saved back into it's original location, that is a sub-directory of the one that is being viewed by Screenshot Captor.).
This didn't occur when Screenshot Captor was minimized to the tray, only when it was behind Irfanview.
A tad annoying and, I'm sure it is aberrant behaviour that you have not programmed into Screenshot Captor, so I thought I should give you a heads up just so it is nipped in the bud before it propogates into future updates.
A quick question re: Screenshot Captor. Should it ever intentionally react when it is in the background? If for some reason you feel this is a benefit to some internal process, might I be enlightened as to what that may be and if that IS the case, would it be possible to optionally delay that procedure, even at the cost of a lengthier re-initialisation of Screenshot Captor when I return focus to it.
I'd prefer a slow restart to it grabbing focus.
Thanks MikleB