Hi all
Just tried LBC and started to love it, but there's one little glitch which keeps me from using it. In our company, we're developing software for corporate customers, which we sometimes also manage. I've got plenty of ".lnk" files which are generated to access these off site systems in different ways: Putty, SFTP, application GUI etc. The generated links make heavy use of environment variables to allow all employees use the same files. Example target content (Putty):
"C:\Program Files (x86)\PuTTY\putty.exe" -load %NCPROF% -ssh %NCUSER%@xxx.xxx.xxx.com -i "%XCK%\keys\%NCUSER%.ppk" -X
Now LBC ignores this and sends the variables clear text, which of course messes up things.
Any chance this gets implemented? Could be a no brainer, but it doesn't have to ...