I'm looking for a program/utility/widget that monitors the size of a (number of) directories and notifies the user when a preset size limit is reached. I can't believe noone has come up with something like this (ot more to the point, I can believe that I just haven't put in the right search terms so far).
Need/Concept is as follows:
I have a couple of unsophisticated users that have automatic or semi-automatic backup procedures enabled. The backup program writes zip files to a number of directories that I would like to have the users burn to CD or DVD when there is a reasonable amt of data to burn. What I would like to find is a program that runs in the background and monitors 1-5 directories and checks their size against a specified size. If the directory reaches (say) 75% of specified size a warning would show up on the desktop (say a yellow flashing light), if the size is larger than the limit a red warning flashes.
There was a Yahoo widget program of a similar concept but the directories were hard coded, and size limits weren't changeable - it would be nice to be able to set specific locations and custom sizes.
Any one have any suggestions or solutions in mind?