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Author Topic: Stitch two windows together  (Read 6223 times)


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Stitch two windows together
« on: December 06, 2018, 04:19 AM »
I'm looking for software that let you "stitch" two windows together, so that they behave like one window.
If one of the windows is brought to focus, the other one follows. If one is moved, the other one follows.

Options to choose what edge to stitch along would be nice:)

And if it would act as one window on the taskbar, that would be really great :)

Best regards
Ove B-)


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Re: Stitch two windows together
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2018, 07:09 AM »
You might take a look on this AutoHotKey script that i found.

If link goes down, here is full script copy/paste from above link.

; 'Dock'nDrag'
; By David Tong 03-02-2009.
; Primary Functions:
; 1. CapsLock+left-drag from the central rectangle to move a window without resizing it.
; 2. CapsLock+left-drag a window by corner or side to resize it. Select either '‘Easy Window
; Dragging' or 'NiftyWindows' modes of dragging and resizing.
; 3. CapsLock+rightclick in centre of the strip along an edge to 'dock' a nearby window to it
; Afterwards both windows move or resize as one. Do the same in centre of either window
; to uncouple. [Great for using a Help window at same time as AHK ScITE editor].
; 4. Works with multiple monitors. Boundary limits ensure a coupled window is not stranded on
; a non-existent monitor.
; 5. Max width (height) of a coupled window is that of the monitor. Minimum for either partner
; is set by a parameter.
; 6. When stretching a window in any direction, after it reaches maximum size the whole
; window starts moving. This is more ergonomic than EWD or NiftyW which do this only when
; pulling up or to the left, but not down or to the right.
; 7. Supports multiple monitors and ensures partnered window is not accidentally left
; stranded on a non-existent monitor.
; 8. Tested in XP and Vista.

; Extra Functions:
; 1. CapsLock+Leftclick in left-hand side of title bar of Windows Explorer closes it and opens
; same folder in Directory Opus. (Useful because Picasa and Copernic Desktop Search
; don't respect default browser settings).
; 2. Keeps CapsLock off to avoid typing in caps by mistake. [No longer done as standard]
; 3. As a precaution while testing I included CapsLock+RControl as a hotkey to force an exit
; if the script becomes unresponsive but with CapsLock activated.

; Acknowledgements:
; Basic window dragging functions inspired by ‘Easy Window Dragging - KDE style’
; by Jonny, and NiftyWindows (both in Script Showcase) and similar variants.
; I cribbed lots of code from the many great scripts on the AHK forum, in particular
; WindowPad by Lexikos. Most thanks of all of course to Chris M. for developing
; AutoHotkey in the first place.

SetBatchLines , 20ms ; If too low, non-dragged windows take too long to redraw.
SetWinDelay , 10 ; If too low the dragged window leaves too much of a trail.

SendMode Input
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
#SingleInstance , ;ignore

; Set up user options:
; Define minimum width limit for windows.
MinDimx := 200 ;Min window width
MinDimy := 200 ;Min window height

; Define the criterion for selecting a partner window when coupling two together.
; In all cases only visible windows on the same monitor are selected, and only those
; whose centres are on the same side of target centre as the side of target that
; you click on.
; 'Area' chooses the window with greatest area.
; 'Centre' chooses the window whose centre is nearest to the centre of target window.
; 'Edge' [recommended] Selects the one whose edge-to-be-shared is nearest to the
; edge you clicked.

Criterion := edge

; If DragMode=1, each edge has three clickable sections allowing dragging by side or corner
; like on a normal window. (Same mode as used in NiftyWindows).
; If DragMode<>1, four clickable quadrants giving corner-dragging modes only as in ‘Easy
; Window Dragging - KDE style’.

DragMode = 1 ; set to 1 or 0 (or blank) as desired

; Define the hotkeys:

Modifier := "CapsLock `& " ; Other examples: "!", "+", "Insert `& ", etc.
DragButton := "LButton"
DockButton := "RButton"
EmergencyButton := "RControl"

; End of user setup section

; Might want to alter the next two lines and CheckCapslock: if using Insert, ScrollLock, etc
IfInString , Modifier, CapsLock
Settimer, CheckCapslock, 200

FullDragButton = %Modifier%%DragButton%
FullDockButton = %Modifier%%DockButton%
FullEmergencyButton = %Modifier%%EmergencyButton%

Hotkey , %FullDragButton% , Resizer
Hotkey , %FullDockButton% , WinDock
Hotkey , %FullEmergencyButton% , Finish

Finish: ; Used for emergency exit if script stalls with CapsLock activated.Gosub , CheckCapslock
Gosub , CheckCapslock
SoundBeep 2000, 500
; Make sure Capslock is not left in an activated state.
GetKeyState , caps , CapsLock , T ; 'D' means key is 'on', 'U' means 'off'.
IfEqual , caps , D
sleep 20 ; used to use 100
SetCapsLockState , OFF

; Combines two windows as a pair so they can be moved and resized as one.
; Action depends on which of the nine cells (in a 3x3 grid) you clicked in.
; Top left-hand cell is row 1, column 1. Bottom right is 3,3.
; -----------------
; | 1,1 | 1,2 | 1,3 |
; -----------------
; | 2,1 | 2,1 | 2,3 |
; -----------------
; | 3,1 | 3,2 | 3,3 |
; -----------------

; Click in cell:
; 1,2 to couple another window to top edge.
; 3,2 to couple another window to bottom edge.
; 2,1 to couple another window to lefthand edge.
; 2,3 to couple another window to righthand edge.
; 2,2 to uncouple a coupled pair.
; 1,1 and within title bar of Windows Explorer to close Explorer and open
; same folder in Directory Opus.

CoordMode , Mouse , Screen
MouseGetPos ,xx , yy , ID1, Ctrl, 1 ; defines window that you clicked in

; Next command required else first right-click on desktop gives
; context menu with some items missing (those for Directory Opus).
WinActivate , ahk_id %ID1%

; Ignore clicks on desktop
WinGetClass , clss, ahk_id %ID1%
If clss = Progman
Gosub , ClearContextPopup ; Clear unwanted right-click pop-up menus

; Find which cell in the target window was clicked in.

; Store a shortlist of acceptable windows in Item1, Item2, etc
WinGetPos , My_x, My_y, My_w, My_h , ahk_id %ID1% ;details for current window
My_mon := GetMonitorAt(My_x+My_w/2, My_y+My_h/2) ; Using which monitor?
Gosub , CalcMonStats ; loads My_monRight, etc
GoSub, Sort

; Do work as defined by the cell.

; LatVert = +1 defines lateral coupling, +1 defines vertical (also used in Resizer).
; LftRght = +1 for coupling to right (or up) and -1 for left (or down)

If (Column=1 and Row=1)
If IsOverTitleBar(xx, yy, ID1)
Gosub, DoExplorer
Else If (Row=2 and Column=2)
If (ID1 = Master) or (ID1 = Slave)
Gosub, UnCouple
Else If (Column=1 and Row=2)
LatVert := 1 ; lateral
LftRght := -1 ; to left
Winid := FindWin(LatVert, LftRght) ; returns selected id from the list.
IfEqual , Winid ,, Return ; skip if no suitable window
Gosub , Coupled ; announce coupled state

; Master - leave gap for partner and extend other edge to monitor limit
newmx := My_x
If (My_x < (My_monLeft+MinDimx)) ;NB outer brackets are essential here!
newmx := My_monLeft+MinDimx
newmw := My_monRight-newmx

; Partner - move to gap and match height to Master.
newpx := My_monLeft
newpw := Newmx-My_monLeft
WinMove , ahk_id %Master% ,, %newmx% ,, %newmw% ,
WinMove , ahk_id %Winid% ,, %newpx% ,My_y, %newpw% , My_h
Else If (Column=3 and Row=2)
LatVert := 1 ; lateral
LftRght := 1 ; to right
Winid := FindWin(LatVert, LftRght) ; returns selected id from the list.
IfEqual , Winid ,, Return ; skip if no suitable window
Gosub , Coupled ; announce coupled state

; Master - leave gap for partner and extend other edge to monitor limit
newmx := My_monLeft
newmw := My_w+(My_x-My_monLeft)
If (My_monRight-(My_x+My_w)) < MinDimx
newmw := MaxDimx-MinDimx

; Move Partner into gap and match height to Master.
newpx := My_monLeft+newmw ; newmw value on right refers to main window
newpw := MaxDimx-newmw ; same here
WinMove , ahk_id %Master% ,, %newmx% ,, %newmw% ,
WinMove , ahk_id %Slave% ,, %newpx% , My_y, %newpw% ,My_h
Else If (Row=1 and Column=2)
LatVert := -1 ; vertical
LftRght := +1 ; upward
Winid := FindWin(LatVert, LftRght) ; returns selected id from the list.
IfEqual , Winid ,, Return ; skip if no suitable window
Gosub , Coupled ; announce coupled state

; Master - leave gap for partner and extend other edge to monitor limit
newmy := My_y
If (My_y<MinDimy)
newmy := MinDimy
newmh := MaxDimy-newmy

; Move Partner into gap and match height to Master.
newpy := My_monTop
newph := MaxDimy-newmh
WinMove , ahk_id %Master% ,, ,%newmy%, , %newmh%
WinMove , ahk_id %Slave% ,,%My_x%,%newpy%, %My_w% ,%newph%
Else If (Row=3 and Column=2)
LatVert := -1 ; vertical
LftRght := -1 ; downward
Winid := FindWin(LatVert, LftRght) ; returns selected id from the list.
IfEqual , Winid ,, Return ; skip if no suitable window
Gosub , Coupled ; announce coupled state

; Master - leave gap for partner and extend other edge to monitor limit
newmy := My_monTop
newmh := My_h+ My_y
If (MaxDimy-newmh)<MinDimy
newmh := MaxDimy- MinDimy

; Move Partner into gap and match height to Master.
newpy := -(My_monTop - newmh)
newph := MaxDimy-newmh
WinMove , ahk_id %Master% ,, ,%newmy%, , %newmh%
WinMove , ahk_id %Slave% ,,%My_x%,%newpy%, %My_w% ,%newph%

; Clears spurious Right-Click menus
; Not so easy to find a method that works with all windows. For example,
; sending 'ControlSend,,{ESC}, ahk_id %ID1%' to Word2003 makes it crash.
; This seems ok with everything so far:
WinActivate , ahk_id %ID1%
WinWaitActive , ahk_id %ID1%
sleep ,100
send , {alt}
sleep ,100
send , {esc}

; Closes an open Explorer window and re-opens same folder in DOpus as a new tab.
; (Useful with Picasa and Copernic which insist on using Explorer instead of DOpus).

WinGet, Prcs , ProcessName, ahk_id %ID1%
WinGetTitle , Ttle, ahk_id %ID1%
If Prcs contains explorer
Ttle1 = "%Ttle%" ; DOpus command line wants it in quotes
run , "C:\Program Files\GPSoftware\Directory Opus\dopusrt.exe" /CMD Go %Ttle1% Newtab
WinClose , ahk_id %ID1%

; Get work area (excludes taskbar-reserved space).
; Copied from WindowPad. Modified to suit DAT work area
; Get work area less a guard-band to minimise accidental triggering of
; popup toolbars on three sides of main monitor
SysGet, My_mon, MonitorWorkArea, %My_mon%
IfEqual , My_mon , 1
My_monRight := My_monRight ;- 25
My_monTop := My_monTop ;+ 25
My_monLeft := My_monLeft ;+ 25
MaxDimx := My_monRight - My_monLeft
MaxDimy := My_monBottom - My_monTop

; Returns the id of a window that meets the selection criteria.
; LatVert = +1 means 'lateral' and -1, 'vertical' coupling
; LftRght defines direction, seen from centre of Master window, in which
; to look for a target window.
; If LatVert=+1: LftRght = +1 means look right and -1 means look left
; If LatVert=-1, LftRght = +1 means look up and -1 means look down.
; For example: If LatVert=+1 and LftRght = +1, a window will be selected
; whose right edge [see note] is nearest to the left edge of the Master
; (in either direction), and whose centre is to the right of
; the centre of the Master.
; Note: Instead of selecting by 'edge' you can select on 'area' or
; 'centre' by setting the variable 'Criterion').

FindWin(LatVert, LftRght)
global ID1, Item, Item1, Item2, Item3, Item4, Item5, Criterion ; Assumes max of 5 candidates.

WinGetPos , My_x, My_y, My_w, My_h , ahk_id %ID1%

; Discard unsuitable windows and store parameters for shortlist candidates
My_centrex := (My_x+My_w/2)
My_centrey := (My_y+My_h/2) ; missed off until 24-01-2009 12:18
index := "" ; count selected windows
Loop , %Item%
this_Item := Item%A_Index%
WinGetPos , this_x, this_y, this_w, this_h , ahk_id %this_Item%
This_centrex := (this_x+this_w/2)
This_centrey := (this_y+this_h/2)

If ((LatVert = +1)
and ((-LftRght+1)/2*this_centrex + (LftRght+1)/2*My_centrex)
>((LftRght+1)/2*this_centrex + (-LftRght+1)/2*My_centrex))
or ((LatVert = -1)
and ((LftRght+1)/2*this_centrey + (-LftRght+1)/2*My_centrey)
>((-LftRght+1)/2*this_centrey + (LftRght+1)/2*My_centrey))
Item%A_Index% := "" ; wrong side of my window so discard
Item%A_Index% := ""

If (LatVert = +1) {
EdgeSep := Abs(This_x - My_x + (-LftRght+1)/2*This_w - (LftRght+1)/2*My_w)
CentreSep := Abs(My_centrex-this_centrex) ; Centre-to-centre separation
If (LatVert = -1) {
EdgeSep := Abs(This_y - My_y + (LftRght+1)/2*This_h - (-LftRght+1)/2*My_h)
CentreSep := Abs(My_centrey-this_centrey) ; Centre-to-centre separation
Area := (this_w * this_h) ; area
Item%index% = %this_Item%%A_Space%%CentreSep%%A_Space%%Area%%A_Space%%EdgeSep% ; store results
; Select the best candidate
Item:= index ; number of candidates
Dmin := 10000 ; Start high. Will drop to lowest value after loop
Dmax := 0 ; Start at zero. Will rise to higher value after loop
Loop , %Item%
this_Item := Item%A_Index%
StringSplit , string , this_Item, %A_Space%
If (Criterion = edge) { ; select on edge-to-edge separation
If (string4 < Dmin) {
Dmin := string4
Item1 := string1
If (Criterion = area) { ; select for largest area
If (string3 > Dmax) {
Dmax := string3
Item1 := string1
If (Criterion = centre) { ; select for nearest centre
If (string2 < Dmin) {
Dmin := string2
Item1 := string1
Return, Item1 ; returns id of chosen window

; Lists other windows on same monitor that have style 0x16CF0000 or 0x14CF0000.
WinGet, Item, list,,, Program Manager
index := "" ; count number in selection
Loop, %Item% ; loop thro' all current windows
this_Item := Item%A_Index% ; Item1 contains id of first window, etc
WinGet, this_style , style , ahk_id %this_Item% ; get 'Style' of the window
If ((this_Style <> 0x16CF0000) and (this_Style <> 0x14CF0000)) or (this_Item = ID1)
Item%A_Index% := ""
continue ; wrong style or is Master window
WinGetPos , this_x, this_y, this_w, this_h , ahk_id %this_Item%
this_mon := GetMonitorAt(this_x+this_w/2, this_y+this_h/2) ; which monitor?
If (this_mon <> My_mon)
Item%A_Index% := ""
continue ; window is on wrong monitor
index++ ; increment pointer
Item%index% = %this_Item%
Item:= index ; store revised total of windows

; Determine which cell the mouse is in. Use a 3x3 grid. Columns are 1,2,3 (top to
; bottom) and rows are 1,2,3 (left to right).

Get_Cell(ByRef Column, ByRef Row)
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
WinGet,Win,MinMax,ahk_id %id%
If Win
; Get the initial window position and size.
WinGetPos, WinX1, WinY1, WinW, WinH, ahk_id %id%

Div := 3 ; e.g. Div=4 makes outer cells 1/4 as wide as the window.
PW := Abs(WinW/Div)
PH := Abs(WinH/Div)
If ((WinX1 < X1) and (X1 < WinX1 + PW))
Column := 1
If ((WinX1 + PW < X1) and (X1 < WinX1 + WinW - PW))
Column := 2
If ((WinX1 + WinW - PW < X1) and (X1 < WinX1 + WinW))
Column := 3

If ((WinY1 < Y1) and (Y1 < WinY1 + PH))
Row := 1
If ((WinY1 + PH < Y1) and (Y1 < WinY1 + WinH - PH))
Row := 2
If ((WinY1 + WinH - PH < Y1) and (Y1 < WinY1 + WinH))
Row := 3

; Called when two windows first couple together
Master := ID1 ; Resizer uses this to see if it's dealing with a Master window.
Slave := winid
Coupled := 1
; Promote partner to number two window. Avoids having a third window sandwiched
; between Master and partner. Also makes both windows blink when coupled.
WinActivate , ahk_id %Slave%
WinActivate , ahk_id %Master%
ToolTip , Linking On
SetTimer , TooltipOff , 1000
SoundBeep, 800, 25
SoundBeep, 1200, 25

; Called when two windows uncouple
If (Coupled = 0)
Master := ""
Slave := ""
Coupled := 0
ToolTip , Linking Off
SetTimer , TooltipOff , 1000
SoundBeep, 1200, 25
SoundBeep, 800, 25

; Clear tooltip
SetTimer , TooltipOff , Off


; Get the initial mouse position, target window info, monitor limits
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
WinGetPos,KDE_WinX1,KDE_WinY1, DimMx, DimMy,ahk_id %KDE_id%
My_mon := GetMonitorAt(KDE_WinX1+DimMx/2, KDE_WinY1+DimMy/2) ; From WindowPad by Lexikos
Gosub , CalcMonStats ; gets My_monRight, etc
WinActivate , ahk_id %KDE_id%

; Set flag to show window is part of a coupled pair
OneOfPair := (Coupled = 1) and ((KDE_id = Master) or (KDE_id = Slave)) ? 1:0
; Uncouple if either window has been minimised, maximised, or closed.
WinGet,SGone,MinMax,ahk_id %Slave%
WinGet,MGone,MinMax,ahk_id %Master%
If (OneOfPair = 1) and ((SGone <> 0) or (MGone <> 0)) {
OneOfPair := 0
Gosub , UnCouple
; Abort if selected window is full-screen or minimised
WinGet,KDE_Win,MinMax,ahk_id %KDE_id%
IfNotEqual , KDE_Win, 0 , Return

; If one of a couple, make sure both are in consecutive z-order.
; Avoids a third window being sandwiched between a coupled pair. Also
; indicates paired state by making both task bars blink when selected by
; this routine.
If (Coupled = 1) and (KDE_id = Master) {
WinActivate , ahk_id %Slave%
WinActivate , ahk_id %Master%
If (Coupled = 1) and (KDE_id = Slave) {
WinActivate , ahk_id %Master%
WinActivate , ahk_id %Slave%
; If clicking in what was previously the Slave, swap Master and Slave
If (Coupled = 1) and (Slave = KDE_id)
Swap(Master, Slave)

WinGetPos,KDE_P_x,KDE_P_y, DimPx, DimPy,ahk_id %Slave% ; used during limit checks

; Find which of the nine cells in the target window received the click.
If (Column=2) and (Row=2) ; Centre cell, so do move without resizing.
GetKeyState,KDE_Button,%DragButton% ,P
If KDE_Button = U ; Abort if button was released.
MouseGetPos,KDE_X2,KDE_Y2 ; current mouse position.
KDE_X2 -= KDE_X1 ; offset from initial position.
KDE_Y2 -= KDE_Y1
newx := (KDE_WinX1 + KDE_X2) ; Apply offset to window
newy := (KDE_WinY1 + KDE_Y2)

; If Partner exists, stop dragging before it leaves valid monitor
If (OneOfPair = 1)
Mon_P := GetMonitorAt(KDE_P_x + KDE_X2+ DimPx/2, KDE_P_y+ KDE_Y2+ DimPy/2, 0)
IfEqual , Mon_P, 0, Continue
WinMove,ahk_id %Slave%,, KDE_P_x + KDE_X2, KDE_P_y + KDE_Y2
WinMove,ahk_id %KDE_id%,, newx, newy
Else ; Do resizing
; Use the quadrants, North-West, NE, SE, and SW to set the basic
; directions in which the Master window can be dragged. These are
; refined later according to which of the eight peripheral cells was clicked.

WestEast := KDE_X1 < KDE_WinX1+ DimMx/2 ? 1:-1 ; ie, Left-Right
NorthSouth := KDE_Y1 < KDE_WinY1+ DimMy/2 ? 1:-1 ;ie, Up-Down

; Set max width (height) parameter to leave space for Slave if present, and
; Set 'Master Near' flag to show if Master or Slave nearest to top-left of monitor.
MaxDim2x := MaxDimx ; used in limit calculation for Master
MaxDim2y := MaxDimy
If (OneOfPair = 1) and (LatVert = 1) {
MaxDim2x := MaxDimx-MinDimx
MasterNear := (KDE_Winx1+ DimMx/2) > (KDE_P_x + DimPx/2) ? 1:-1
If (OneOfPair = 1) and (LatVert = -1) {
MaxDim2y := MaxDimy-MinDimy
MasterNear := (KDE_Winy1+ DimMy/2) > (KDE_P_y + DimPy/2) ? 1:-1
GetKeyState,KDE_Button,%DragButton% ,P
If KDE_Button = U ; Abort if button was released.
MouseGetPos,KDE_X2,KDE_Y2 ; Get current mouse position.

KDE_X2 -= KDE_X1 ; offset from initial mouse position.
KDE_Y2 -= KDE_Y1
KDE_X1 := (KDE_X2 + KDE_X1) ; Reset initial position for next iteration.
KDE_Y1 := (KDE_Y2 + KDE_Y1)

; Implement drag mode choice (quadrants or cells).
If (DragMode = 1) and (Column=2) ; Forces lateral-only dragging for Col2
KDE_X2 := 0
If (DragMode = 1) and (Row=2) ; Forces vertical-only dragging for Row2
KDE_Y2 := 0

; Calculate shifts based on quadrant
DeltaMX := (WestEast+1)/2*KDE_X2
DeltaMY := (NorthSouth+1)/2*KDE_Y2
DeltaDimMx := -WestEast*KDE_X2
DeltaDimMy := -NorthSouth*KDE_Y2

; Apply limits on maximum size
StretchLimit("y", "NorthSouth")
StretchLimit("x", "WestEast")

KDE_WinX1 += DeltaMX
KDE_WinY1 += DeltaMY
DimMx += DeltaDimMx
DimMy += DeltaDimMy

; Apply limits on minimum size
ShrinkLimit("x", "WestEast")
ShrinkLimit("y", "NorthSouth")

; Calculate dimensions of Slave if it exists
IfNotEqual ,OneOfPair ,0
; LatVert previously set to +1 for lateral coupling and -1 for vertical coupling,
If (latvert = 1) { ; lateral coupling
abs := "x"
ord := "y"
If (latvert = -1) { ; vertical coupling
abs := "y"
ord := "x"
KDE_P_%abs% := KDE_Win%abs%1+ DimM%abs% - MaxDim%abs%*(1+MasterNear)/2
KDE_P_%ord% := KDE_Win%ord%1
DimP%abs% := MaxDim%abs% - DimM%abs%
DimP%ord% := DimM%ord%

; Abort if centre of Slave would be on non-existent monitor (Mon_P = 0)
Mon_P := GetMonitorAt(KDE_P_x+ DimPx/2, KDE_P_y+ DimPy/2, 0)
IfEqual , Mon_P, 0, Continue
WinMove ,ahk_id %Slave%,, KDE_P_x , KDE_P_y, DimPx, DimPy
WinMove,ahk_id %KDE_id%,, KDE_WinX1 , KDE_WinY1, DimMx, DimMy

; Apply maximum width or height limits
StretchLimit(axis, Dir)
If (DimM%axis% > MaxDim2%axis%) and (DeltaDimM%axis% >0) {
DeltaM%axis% := -(%Dir%-1)/2*DeltaDimM%axis% +(%Dir%+1)/2*DeltaM%axis%
DeltaDimM%axis% :=0

; Apply minimum width or height limits
ShrinkLimit(axis, Dir)
If (DimM%axis% < MinDim%axis%) and (DeltaDimM%axis% <0) {
DimM%axis% -= DeltaDimM%axis%
KDE_Win%axis%1 += -(%Dir%-1)/2*DeltaDimM%axis%

; Exchange Master and Slave titles
Swap(ByRef Master, ByRef Slave)
temp := Master
Master := Slave
Slave := temp
; Get the index of the monitor containing the specified x and y co-ordinates.
; (From WindowPad by Lexikos)

GetMonitorAt(x, y, default=1)
SysGet, m, MonitorCount
; Iterate through all monitors.
Loop, %m%
{ ; Check if the window is on this monitor.
SysGet, Mon, Monitor, %A_Index%
if (x >= MonLeft && x <= MonRight && y >= MonTop && y <= MonBottom)
return A_Index

return default

; This function is from
IsOverTitleBar(x, y, hWnd) {
SendMessage, 0x84,, (x & 0xFFFF) | (y & 0xFFFF) << 16,, ahk_id %hWnd%
if ErrorLevel in 2,3,8,9,20,21
return true
return false


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Re: Stitch two windows together
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2018, 08:03 AM »
You might take a look on this AutoHotKey script that i found.

Nice find and helpful, as ever!  :Thmbsup:


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Re: Stitch two windows together
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2018, 04:25 PM »
I'm looking for software that let you "stitch" two windows together, so that they behave like one window.

I heard of this via the TrishTech blog post TaskSpace : Groups Apps in a Single Window for Easy Access:

TaskSpace is a liteware portable Windows utility which allow merging of multiple applications together in a single window or merging them as tabs.

Current version: (released 07/05/2017)


Sanity check: I have not tried this myself (but it sounds like what you wanted)


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Re: Stitch two windows together
« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2018, 10:13 PM »
You might take a look on this AutoHotKey script that i found.

Nice find and helpful, as ever!  :Thmbsup:
-cranioscopical (December 06, 2018, 08:03 AM)
Yes, That's rather a nifty find. Thanks @KodeZwerg.


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Re: Stitch two windows together
« Reply #5 on: December 07, 2018, 01:45 AM »
cranioscopical, IainB, you are welcome  :-*


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Re: Stitch two windows together
« Reply #6 on: December 07, 2018, 03:23 AM »
Yes, a very great find. Unfortunately the windows I wanted to stitch together are some "fancy" borderless windows that will not succumb to the script :( Works very nice with ordinary windows thou. 


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Re: Stitch two windows together
« Reply #7 on: December 07, 2018, 04:26 AM »
Awesome find  :Thmbsup:
Thanks KodeZwerg.




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Re: Stitch two windows together
« Reply #8 on: December 07, 2018, 05:23 AM »
Hmm, The fancy borderless windows to the Bria softphone thwarts every effort to be ruled :(
Same result with TaskSpace. It works fine with ordinary windows. And It's indeed very handy. But no luck with borderless windows :(

I could set stay on top for the window, but the problem is that it will block other window.
But if I could set the status of the window to be toolbar, like the taksbar, then other windows when maximized would not use that part of the desktop.

Any thoughts anyone?

Ove B-)


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Re: Stitch two windows together
« Reply #9 on: December 07, 2018, 07:29 AM »
But if I could set the status of the window to be toolbar, like the taksbar, then other windows when maximized would not use that part of the desktop.

Mouser's own DesktopCor(r)al will create a transparent toolbar in which you can put that Bria window.  I use DesktopCor(r)al myself.


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Re: Stitch two windows together
« Reply #10 on: December 10, 2018, 03:08 AM »
Desktop Cor(r)al works great:)

I had a hard time to get it on the right desktop, but after that it works great :)

Thanks for a great program, and for the find:)

Ove B-)