You might take a look on this
AutoHotKey script that i found.
If link goes down, here is full script copy/paste from above link.
; 'Dock'nDrag'
; By David Tong 03-02-2009.
; Primary Functions:
; 1. CapsLock+left-drag from the central rectangle to move a window without resizing it.
; 2. CapsLock+left-drag a window by corner or side to resize it. Select either '‘Easy Window
; Dragging' or 'NiftyWindows' modes of dragging and resizing.
; 3. CapsLock+rightclick in centre of the strip along an edge to 'dock' a nearby window to it
; Afterwards both windows move or resize as one. Do the same in centre of either window
; to uncouple. [Great for using a Help window at same time as AHK ScITE editor].
; 4. Works with multiple monitors. Boundary limits ensure a coupled window is not stranded on
; a non-existent monitor.
; 5. Max width (height) of a coupled window is that of the monitor. Minimum for either partner
; is set by a parameter.
; 6. When stretching a window in any direction, after it reaches maximum size the whole
; window starts moving. This is more ergonomic than EWD or NiftyW which do this only when
; pulling up or to the left, but not down or to the right.
; 7. Supports multiple monitors and ensures partnered window is not accidentally left
; stranded on a non-existent monitor.
; 8. Tested in XP and Vista.
; Extra Functions:
; 1. CapsLock+Leftclick in left-hand side of title bar of Windows Explorer closes it and opens
; same folder in Directory Opus. (Useful because Picasa and Copernic Desktop Search
; don't respect default browser settings).
; 2. Keeps CapsLock off to avoid typing in caps by mistake. [No longer done as standard]
; 3. As a precaution while testing I included CapsLock+RControl as a hotkey to force an exit
; if the script becomes unresponsive but with CapsLock activated.
; Acknowledgements:
; Basic window dragging functions inspired by ‘Easy Window Dragging - KDE style’
; by Jonny, and NiftyWindows (both in Script Showcase) and similar variants.
; I cribbed lots of code from the many great scripts on the AHK forum, in particular
; WindowPad by Lexikos. Most thanks of all of course to Chris M. for developing
; AutoHotkey in the first place.
SetBatchLines , 20ms ; If too low, non-dragged windows take too long to redraw.
SetWinDelay , 10 ; If too low the dragged window leaves too much of a trail.
SendMode Input
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
#SingleInstance , ;ignore
; Set up user options:
; Define minimum width limit for windows.
MinDimx := 200 ;Min window width
MinDimy := 200 ;Min window height
; Define the criterion for selecting a partner window when coupling two together.
; In all cases only visible windows on the same monitor are selected, and only those
; whose centres are on the same side of target centre as the side of target that
; you click on.
; 'Area' chooses the window with greatest area.
; 'Centre' chooses the window whose centre is nearest to the centre of target window.
; 'Edge' [recommended] Selects the one whose edge-to-be-shared is nearest to the
; edge you clicked.
Criterion := edge
; If DragMode=1, each edge has three clickable sections allowing dragging by side or corner
; like on a normal window. (Same mode as used in NiftyWindows).
; If DragMode<>1, four clickable quadrants giving corner-dragging modes only as in ‘Easy
; Window Dragging - KDE style’.
DragMode = 1 ; set to 1 or 0 (or blank) as desired
; Define the hotkeys:
Modifier := "CapsLock `& " ; Other examples: "!", "+", "Insert `& ", etc.
DragButton := "LButton"
DockButton := "RButton"
EmergencyButton := "RControl"
; End of user setup section
; Might want to alter the next two lines and CheckCapslock: if using Insert, ScrollLock, etc
IfInString , Modifier, CapsLock
Settimer, CheckCapslock, 200
FullDragButton = %Modifier%%DragButton%
FullDockButton = %Modifier%%DockButton%
FullEmergencyButton = %Modifier%%EmergencyButton%
Hotkey , %FullDragButton% , Resizer
Hotkey , %FullDockButton% , WinDock
Hotkey , %FullEmergencyButton% , Finish
Finish: ; Used for emergency exit if script stalls with CapsLock activated.Gosub , CheckCapslock
Gosub , CheckCapslock
SoundBeep 2000, 500
; Make sure Capslock is not left in an activated state.
GetKeyState , caps , CapsLock , T ; 'D' means key is 'on', 'U' means 'off'.
IfEqual , caps , D
sleep 20 ; used to use 100
SetCapsLockState , OFF
; Combines two windows as a pair so they can be moved and resized as one.
; Action depends on which of the nine cells (in a 3x3 grid) you clicked in.
; Top left-hand cell is row 1, column 1. Bottom right is 3,3.
; -----------------
; | 1,1 | 1,2 | 1,3 |
; -----------------
; | 2,1 | 2,1 | 2,3 |
; -----------------
; | 3,1 | 3,2 | 3,3 |
; -----------------
; Click in cell:
; 1,2 to couple another window to top edge.
; 3,2 to couple another window to bottom edge.
; 2,1 to couple another window to lefthand edge.
; 2,3 to couple another window to righthand edge.
; 2,2 to uncouple a coupled pair.
; 1,1 and within title bar of Windows Explorer to close Explorer and open
; same folder in Directory Opus.
CoordMode , Mouse , Screen
MouseGetPos ,xx , yy , ID1, Ctrl, 1 ; defines window that you clicked in
; Next command required else first right-click on desktop gives
; context menu with some items missing (those for Directory Opus).
WinActivate , ahk_id %ID1%
; Ignore clicks on desktop
WinGetClass , clss, ahk_id %ID1%
If clss = Progman
Gosub , ClearContextPopup ; Clear unwanted right-click pop-up menus
; Find which cell in the target window was clicked in.
; Store a shortlist of acceptable windows in Item1, Item2, etc
WinGetPos , My_x, My_y, My_w, My_h , ahk_id %ID1% ;details for current window
My_mon := GetMonitorAt(My_x+My_w/2, My_y+My_h/2) ; Using which monitor?
Gosub , CalcMonStats ; loads My_monRight, etc
GoSub, Sort
; Do work as defined by the cell.
; LatVert = +1 defines lateral coupling, +1 defines vertical (also used in Resizer).
; LftRght = +1 for coupling to right (or up) and -1 for left (or down)
If (Column=1 and Row=1)
If IsOverTitleBar(xx, yy, ID1)
Gosub, DoExplorer
Else If (Row=2 and Column=2)
If (ID1 = Master) or (ID1 = Slave)
Gosub, UnCouple
Else If (Column=1 and Row=2)
LatVert := 1 ; lateral
LftRght := -1 ; to left
Winid := FindWin(LatVert, LftRght) ; returns selected id from the list.
IfEqual , Winid ,, Return ; skip if no suitable window
Gosub , Coupled ; announce coupled state
; Master - leave gap for partner and extend other edge to monitor limit
newmx := My_x
If (My_x < (My_monLeft+MinDimx)) ;NB outer brackets are essential here!
newmx := My_monLeft+MinDimx
newmw := My_monRight-newmx
; Partner - move to gap and match height to Master.
newpx := My_monLeft
newpw := Newmx-My_monLeft
WinMove , ahk_id %Master% ,, %newmx% ,, %newmw% ,
WinMove , ahk_id %Winid% ,, %newpx% ,My_y, %newpw% , My_h
Else If (Column=3 and Row=2)
LatVert := 1 ; lateral
LftRght := 1 ; to right
Winid := FindWin(LatVert, LftRght) ; returns selected id from the list.
IfEqual , Winid ,, Return ; skip if no suitable window
Gosub , Coupled ; announce coupled state
; Master - leave gap for partner and extend other edge to monitor limit
newmx := My_monLeft
newmw := My_w+(My_x-My_monLeft)
If (My_monRight-(My_x+My_w)) < MinDimx
newmw := MaxDimx-MinDimx
; Move Partner into gap and match height to Master.
newpx := My_monLeft+newmw ; newmw value on right refers to main window
newpw := MaxDimx-newmw ; same here
WinMove , ahk_id %Master% ,, %newmx% ,, %newmw% ,
WinMove , ahk_id %Slave% ,, %newpx% , My_y, %newpw% ,My_h
Else If (Row=1 and Column=2)
LatVert := -1 ; vertical
LftRght := +1 ; upward
Winid := FindWin(LatVert, LftRght) ; returns selected id from the list.
IfEqual , Winid ,, Return ; skip if no suitable window
Gosub , Coupled ; announce coupled state
; Master - leave gap for partner and extend other edge to monitor limit
newmy := My_y
If (My_y<MinDimy)
newmy := MinDimy
newmh := MaxDimy-newmy
; Move Partner into gap and match height to Master.
newpy := My_monTop
newph := MaxDimy-newmh
WinMove , ahk_id %Master% ,, ,%newmy%, , %newmh%
WinMove , ahk_id %Slave% ,,%My_x%,%newpy%, %My_w% ,%newph%
Else If (Row=3 and Column=2)
LatVert := -1 ; vertical
LftRght := -1 ; downward
Winid := FindWin(LatVert, LftRght) ; returns selected id from the list.
IfEqual , Winid ,, Return ; skip if no suitable window
Gosub , Coupled ; announce coupled state
; Master - leave gap for partner and extend other edge to monitor limit
newmy := My_monTop
newmh := My_h+ My_y
If (MaxDimy-newmh)<MinDimy
newmh := MaxDimy- MinDimy
; Move Partner into gap and match height to Master.
newpy := -(My_monTop - newmh)
newph := MaxDimy-newmh
WinMove , ahk_id %Master% ,, ,%newmy%, , %newmh%
WinMove , ahk_id %Slave% ,,%My_x%,%newpy%, %My_w% ,%newph%
; Clears spurious Right-Click menus
; Not so easy to find a method that works with all windows. For example,
; sending 'ControlSend,,{ESC}, ahk_id %ID1%' to Word2003 makes it crash.
; This seems ok with everything so far:
WinActivate , ahk_id %ID1%
WinWaitActive , ahk_id %ID1%
sleep ,100
send , {alt}
sleep ,100
send , {esc}
; Closes an open Explorer window and re-opens same folder in DOpus as a new tab.
; (Useful with Picasa and Copernic which insist on using Explorer instead of DOpus).
WinGet, Prcs , ProcessName, ahk_id %ID1%
WinGetTitle , Ttle, ahk_id %ID1%
If Prcs contains explorer
Ttle1 = "%Ttle%" ; DOpus command line wants it in quotes
run , "C:\Program Files\GPSoftware\Directory Opus\dopusrt.exe" /CMD Go %Ttle1% Newtab
WinClose , ahk_id %ID1%
; Get work area (excludes taskbar-reserved space).
; Copied from WindowPad. Modified to suit DAT work area
; Get work area less a guard-band to minimise accidental triggering of
; popup toolbars on three sides of main monitor
SysGet, My_mon, MonitorWorkArea, %My_mon%
IfEqual , My_mon , 1
My_monRight := My_monRight ;- 25
My_monTop := My_monTop ;+ 25
My_monLeft := My_monLeft ;+ 25
MaxDimx := My_monRight - My_monLeft
MaxDimy := My_monBottom - My_monTop
; Returns the id of a window that meets the selection criteria.
; LatVert = +1 means 'lateral' and -1, 'vertical' coupling
; LftRght defines direction, seen from centre of Master window, in which
; to look for a target window.
; If LatVert=+1: LftRght = +1 means look right and -1 means look left
; If LatVert=-1, LftRght = +1 means look up and -1 means look down.
; For example: If LatVert=+1 and LftRght = +1, a window will be selected
; whose right edge [see note] is nearest to the left edge of the Master
; (in either direction), and whose centre is to the right of
; the centre of the Master.
; Note: Instead of selecting by 'edge' you can select on 'area' or
; 'centre' by setting the variable 'Criterion').
FindWin(LatVert, LftRght)
global ID1, Item, Item1, Item2, Item3, Item4, Item5, Criterion ; Assumes max of 5 candidates.
WinGetPos , My_x, My_y, My_w, My_h , ahk_id %ID1%
; Discard unsuitable windows and store parameters for shortlist candidates
My_centrex := (My_x+My_w/2)
My_centrey := (My_y+My_h/2) ; missed off until 24-01-2009 12:18
index := "" ; count selected windows
Loop , %Item%
this_Item := Item%A_Index%
WinGetPos , this_x, this_y, this_w, this_h , ahk_id %this_Item%
This_centrex := (this_x+this_w/2)
This_centrey := (this_y+this_h/2)
If ((LatVert = +1)
and ((-LftRght+1)/2*this_centrex + (LftRght+1)/2*My_centrex)
>((LftRght+1)/2*this_centrex + (-LftRght+1)/2*My_centrex))
or ((LatVert = -1)
and ((LftRght+1)/2*this_centrey + (-LftRght+1)/2*My_centrey)
>((-LftRght+1)/2*this_centrey + (LftRght+1)/2*My_centrey))
Item%A_Index% := "" ; wrong side of my window so discard
Item%A_Index% := ""
If (LatVert = +1) {
EdgeSep := Abs(This_x - My_x + (-LftRght+1)/2*This_w - (LftRght+1)/2*My_w)
CentreSep := Abs(My_centrex-this_centrex) ; Centre-to-centre separation
If (LatVert = -1) {
EdgeSep := Abs(This_y - My_y + (LftRght+1)/2*This_h - (-LftRght+1)/2*My_h)
CentreSep := Abs(My_centrey-this_centrey) ; Centre-to-centre separation
Area := (this_w * this_h) ; area
Item%index% = %this_Item%%A_Space%%CentreSep%%A_Space%%Area%%A_Space%%EdgeSep% ; store results
; Select the best candidate
Item:= index ; number of candidates
Dmin := 10000 ; Start high. Will drop to lowest value after loop
Dmax := 0 ; Start at zero. Will rise to higher value after loop
Loop , %Item%
this_Item := Item%A_Index%
StringSplit , string , this_Item, %A_Space%
If (Criterion = edge) { ; select on edge-to-edge separation
If (string4 < Dmin) {
Dmin := string4
Item1 := string1
If (Criterion = area) { ; select for largest area
If (string3 > Dmax) {
Dmax := string3
Item1 := string1
If (Criterion = centre) { ; select for nearest centre
If (string2 < Dmin) {
Dmin := string2
Item1 := string1
Return, Item1 ; returns id of chosen window
; Lists other windows on same monitor that have style 0x16CF0000 or 0x14CF0000.
WinGet, Item, list,,, Program Manager
index := "" ; count number in selection
Loop, %Item% ; loop thro' all current windows
this_Item := Item%A_Index% ; Item1 contains id of first window, etc
WinGet, this_style , style , ahk_id %this_Item% ; get 'Style' of the window
If ((this_Style <> 0x16CF0000) and (this_Style <> 0x14CF0000)) or (this_Item = ID1)
Item%A_Index% := ""
continue ; wrong style or is Master window
WinGetPos , this_x, this_y, this_w, this_h , ahk_id %this_Item%
this_mon := GetMonitorAt(this_x+this_w/2, this_y+this_h/2) ; which monitor?
If (this_mon <> My_mon)
Item%A_Index% := ""
continue ; window is on wrong monitor
index++ ; increment pointer
Item%index% = %this_Item%
Item:= index ; store revised total of windows
; Determine which cell the mouse is in. Use a 3x3 grid. Columns are 1,2,3 (top to
; bottom) and rows are 1,2,3 (left to right).
Get_Cell(ByRef Column, ByRef Row)
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
WinGet,Win,MinMax,ahk_id %id%
If Win
; Get the initial window position and size.
WinGetPos, WinX1, WinY1, WinW, WinH, ahk_id %id%
Div := 3 ; e.g. Div=4 makes outer cells 1/4 as wide as the window.
PW := Abs(WinW/Div)
PH := Abs(WinH/Div)
If ((WinX1 < X1) and (X1 < WinX1 + PW))
Column := 1
If ((WinX1 + PW < X1) and (X1 < WinX1 + WinW - PW))
Column := 2
If ((WinX1 + WinW - PW < X1) and (X1 < WinX1 + WinW))
Column := 3
If ((WinY1 < Y1) and (Y1 < WinY1 + PH))
Row := 1
If ((WinY1 + PH < Y1) and (Y1 < WinY1 + WinH - PH))
Row := 2
If ((WinY1 + WinH - PH < Y1) and (Y1 < WinY1 + WinH))
Row := 3
; Called when two windows first couple together
Master := ID1 ; Resizer uses this to see if it's dealing with a Master window.
Slave := winid
Coupled := 1
; Promote partner to number two window. Avoids having a third window sandwiched
; between Master and partner. Also makes both windows blink when coupled.
WinActivate , ahk_id %Slave%
WinActivate , ahk_id %Master%
ToolTip , Linking On
SetTimer , TooltipOff , 1000
SoundBeep, 800, 25
SoundBeep, 1200, 25
; Called when two windows uncouple
If (Coupled = 0)
Master := ""
Slave := ""
Coupled := 0
ToolTip , Linking Off
SetTimer , TooltipOff , 1000
SoundBeep, 1200, 25
SoundBeep, 800, 25
; Clear tooltip
SetTimer , TooltipOff , Off
; Get the initial mouse position, target window info, monitor limits
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
WinGetPos,KDE_WinX1,KDE_WinY1, DimMx, DimMy,ahk_id %KDE_id%
My_mon := GetMonitorAt(KDE_WinX1+DimMx/2, KDE_WinY1+DimMy/2) ; From WindowPad by Lexikos
Gosub , CalcMonStats ; gets My_monRight, etc
WinActivate , ahk_id %KDE_id%
; Set flag to show window is part of a coupled pair
OneOfPair := (Coupled = 1) and ((KDE_id = Master) or (KDE_id = Slave)) ? 1:0
; Uncouple if either window has been minimised, maximised, or closed.
WinGet,SGone,MinMax,ahk_id %Slave%
WinGet,MGone,MinMax,ahk_id %Master%
If (OneOfPair = 1) and ((SGone <> 0) or (MGone <> 0)) {
OneOfPair := 0
Gosub , UnCouple
; Abort if selected window is full-screen or minimised
WinGet,KDE_Win,MinMax,ahk_id %KDE_id%
IfNotEqual , KDE_Win, 0 , Return
; If one of a couple, make sure both are in consecutive z-order.
; Avoids a third window being sandwiched between a coupled pair. Also
; indicates paired state by making both task bars blink when selected by
; this routine.
If (Coupled = 1) and (KDE_id = Master) {
WinActivate , ahk_id %Slave%
WinActivate , ahk_id %Master%
If (Coupled = 1) and (KDE_id = Slave) {
WinActivate , ahk_id %Master%
WinActivate , ahk_id %Slave%
; If clicking in what was previously the Slave, swap Master and Slave
If (Coupled = 1) and (Slave = KDE_id)
Swap(Master, Slave)
WinGetPos,KDE_P_x,KDE_P_y, DimPx, DimPy,ahk_id %Slave% ; used during limit checks
; Find which of the nine cells in the target window received the click.
If (Column=2) and (Row=2) ; Centre cell, so do move without resizing.
GetKeyState,KDE_Button,%DragButton% ,P
If KDE_Button = U ; Abort if button was released.
MouseGetPos,KDE_X2,KDE_Y2 ; current mouse position.
KDE_X2 -= KDE_X1 ; offset from initial position.
KDE_Y2 -= KDE_Y1
newx := (KDE_WinX1 + KDE_X2) ; Apply offset to window
newy := (KDE_WinY1 + KDE_Y2)
; If Partner exists, stop dragging before it leaves valid monitor
If (OneOfPair = 1)
Mon_P := GetMonitorAt(KDE_P_x + KDE_X2+ DimPx/2, KDE_P_y+ KDE_Y2+ DimPy/2, 0)
IfEqual , Mon_P, 0, Continue
WinMove,ahk_id %Slave%,, KDE_P_x + KDE_X2, KDE_P_y + KDE_Y2
WinMove,ahk_id %KDE_id%,, newx, newy
Else ; Do resizing
; Use the quadrants, North-West, NE, SE, and SW to set the basic
; directions in which the Master window can be dragged. These are
; refined later according to which of the eight peripheral cells was clicked.
WestEast := KDE_X1 < KDE_WinX1+ DimMx/2 ? 1:-1 ; ie, Left-Right
NorthSouth := KDE_Y1 < KDE_WinY1+ DimMy/2 ? 1:-1 ;ie, Up-Down
; Set max width (height) parameter to leave space for Slave if present, and
; Set 'Master Near' flag to show if Master or Slave nearest to top-left of monitor.
MaxDim2x := MaxDimx ; used in limit calculation for Master
MaxDim2y := MaxDimy
If (OneOfPair = 1) and (LatVert = 1) {
MaxDim2x := MaxDimx-MinDimx
MasterNear := (KDE_Winx1+ DimMx/2) > (KDE_P_x + DimPx/2) ? 1:-1
If (OneOfPair = 1) and (LatVert = -1) {
MaxDim2y := MaxDimy-MinDimy
MasterNear := (KDE_Winy1+ DimMy/2) > (KDE_P_y + DimPy/2) ? 1:-1
GetKeyState,KDE_Button,%DragButton% ,P
If KDE_Button = U ; Abort if button was released.
MouseGetPos,KDE_X2,KDE_Y2 ; Get current mouse position.
KDE_X2 -= KDE_X1 ; offset from initial mouse position.
KDE_Y2 -= KDE_Y1
KDE_X1 := (KDE_X2 + KDE_X1) ; Reset initial position for next iteration.
KDE_Y1 := (KDE_Y2 + KDE_Y1)
; Implement drag mode choice (quadrants or cells).
If (DragMode = 1) and (Column=2) ; Forces lateral-only dragging for Col2
KDE_X2 := 0
If (DragMode = 1) and (Row=2) ; Forces vertical-only dragging for Row2
KDE_Y2 := 0
; Calculate shifts based on quadrant
DeltaMX := (WestEast+1)/2*KDE_X2
DeltaMY := (NorthSouth+1)/2*KDE_Y2
DeltaDimMx := -WestEast*KDE_X2
DeltaDimMy := -NorthSouth*KDE_Y2
; Apply limits on maximum size
StretchLimit("y", "NorthSouth")
StretchLimit("x", "WestEast")
KDE_WinX1 += DeltaMX
KDE_WinY1 += DeltaMY
DimMx += DeltaDimMx
DimMy += DeltaDimMy
; Apply limits on minimum size
ShrinkLimit("x", "WestEast")
ShrinkLimit("y", "NorthSouth")
; Calculate dimensions of Slave if it exists
IfNotEqual ,OneOfPair ,0
; LatVert previously set to +1 for lateral coupling and -1 for vertical coupling,
If (latvert = 1) { ; lateral coupling
abs := "x"
ord := "y"
If (latvert = -1) { ; vertical coupling
abs := "y"
ord := "x"
KDE_P_%abs% := KDE_Win%abs%1+ DimM%abs% - MaxDim%abs%*(1+MasterNear)/2
KDE_P_%ord% := KDE_Win%ord%1
DimP%abs% := MaxDim%abs% - DimM%abs%
DimP%ord% := DimM%ord%
; Abort if centre of Slave would be on non-existent monitor (Mon_P = 0)
Mon_P := GetMonitorAt(KDE_P_x+ DimPx/2, KDE_P_y+ DimPy/2, 0)
IfEqual , Mon_P, 0, Continue
WinMove ,ahk_id %Slave%,, KDE_P_x , KDE_P_y, DimPx, DimPy
WinMove,ahk_id %KDE_id%,, KDE_WinX1 , KDE_WinY1, DimMx, DimMy
; Apply maximum width or height limits
StretchLimit(axis, Dir)
If (DimM%axis% > MaxDim2%axis%) and (DeltaDimM%axis% >0) {
DeltaM%axis% := -(%Dir%-1)/2*DeltaDimM%axis% +(%Dir%+1)/2*DeltaM%axis%
DeltaDimM%axis% :=0
; Apply minimum width or height limits
ShrinkLimit(axis, Dir)
If (DimM%axis% < MinDim%axis%) and (DeltaDimM%axis% <0) {
DimM%axis% -= DeltaDimM%axis%
KDE_Win%axis%1 += -(%Dir%-1)/2*DeltaDimM%axis%
; Exchange Master and Slave titles
Swap(ByRef Master, ByRef Slave)
temp := Master
Master := Slave
Slave := temp
; Get the index of the monitor containing the specified x and y co-ordinates.
; (From WindowPad by Lexikos)
GetMonitorAt(x, y, default=1)
SysGet, m, MonitorCount
; Iterate through all monitors.
Loop, %m%
{ ; Check if the window is on this monitor.
SysGet, Mon, Monitor, %A_Index%
if (x >= MonLeft && x <= MonRight && y >= MonTop && y <= MonBottom)
return A_Index
return default
; This function is from
IsOverTitleBar(x, y, hWnd) {
SendMessage, 0x84,, (x & 0xFFFF) | (y & 0xFFFF) << 16,, ahk_id %hWnd%
if ErrorLevel in 2,3,8,9,20,21
return true
return false