Hi Uit_Verkoop3. What you have in mind is very similar to my thoughts which I wasn´t able to explain further. Only I wasn´t thinking about trigrams but "n-grams" to to speak. My proposal was splitting a string in all possible substrings. Like "Microsoft" would consist of:
M, i, c, r, o, s, o, f, t, plus Mi, ic, cr, ro, so, of, ft plus Mic, icr, cro, ros, oso, sof, oft plus Micr, icro, cros... and so on. But thinking of this kind of pattern recognition I got carried away. Ending on thoughts of pattern recognision about Chinese. And I´m still thinking. "10001" is similar to "7asdz7" in a way, isn´t it? Or "HAL" is similar to "IBM"? (Space Odyssey)