7z supported unicode
I experimented a while ago with 7zip command line. It was difficult to configure and didn't support folder names with accents. I wasted hours trying. Then I tried it with Winrar and got it working in 5 minutes. This was the day I bought Winrar.

The only problem that I have with winrar is that even if I click on the background buton, the Diagnostic message window is displayed each time a folder is empty! So I have to click manually on teh "close" buton so your code continue to do its work!
"! C:\New.zip: No files to add"
I have tried to include "-ed" or "-ilog" after "a" in your code alas without success!
If your folder structure is like...
you'll get two files:
aa.zip, containing "file.txt"
ab.zip, containing "subfolder\file.txt"
since there's nothing in "ac" there's no point creating an archive. The message "No files to add" is just information, so you know why there's no archive. If you'd create an empty subfolder in "ac", you'll get your "ac.zip" file with the one subfolder.
The error appears only if you create .zip files. If you'd create .rar files, it won't appear. I'm not sure if this is a bug or a feature. Who'd try to archive empty folders anyway.

I tried the switch -inul and it works: No more error messages. I'm not sure why it's not working on your side.

RunWait,c:\Program Files\WinRar\winrar.exe a -r -ep1 -m0 -inul "%TargetPath%\%A_LoopFileName%.zip" "%A_LoopFileFullPath%\*.*"
[edited by mouser to add some blank space in code block so that it would display better]