Everything works BUT I end up with two extra spaces in the filename which i need to avoid if i can.
<edit> the leading space in the name turned out to be from the text file itself. a glitch. The only problem is the center space between the variable and the added text <edit>
Your code to extract the text file contents into a variable works but for some reason it leaves a leading space in the variable/ At the end, i need to add the words "menucopy" to that variable without a space between that and original value
the output of the script gets to a file named "%dmn%menucopy.png"
where %dmn% was the variable created from the text file and "menucopy" is just added text
But i cannot seem to get rid of a leading space added in the variable %dmn% and another one between it and the text "menucopy".
<Edit> I forgot to setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion before adding the variables. Problem solved. Thanks for the input 4wd i needed your code to load the text into variables <Edit>
I was gettong something like " jimsmith menucopy.png"

Now I get "jimsmithmenucopy.png" !"!! Perfect