I got this (new?) tip from Gary North's newsletter (see below). I'd not come across this before. It seems to work rather well, despite potential ambiguity and imprecision with or without the syntax he suggests - e.g., I fed the string
"Lumia 830 vs Samsung S7" (without the quotes) into duckgo and got a good result.
Google is introducing a new feature: a comparison option for smart phones.
It isn't universal yet. It is in limited testing mode. But it may be
operational for you.
(1) Type a quotation mark.
(2) Type a smart phone's name and model.
(3) Type vs.
(4) Type another smart phone's name and model.
(5) Type a quotation mark.
(6) Click.
- See what you get.
The story is here: https://www.garynorth.com/snip/1303.htm
My wife is shopping for a smart phone. Sadly, the search did not work.
Gary "Dumb Phone" North
Visit my site, www.garynorth.com, for the latest charts on the U.S. dollar, gold's price, and Federal Reserve statistics.
Reminds me of an excellent website I used to use where you could get several cameras lined up for comparison, in columns, on one page.