Some months ago I assisted to a grow hacking conference. I dare to say that I don't like those measures and was attacked because anyone have the right to obtain benefits. They offer you a "free" service and you don't have any rights except you're a premium !.
It's a constant change of culture too. I don't imagine mouser, by example, using aggresive marketing measures, but is in the future is necessary probably will do too.
It's the price to be paid when we are not really free.
In the next article by Albert Einstein "Why Socialism" probably find some answer to this general questioning.
Some day in a near future we may lose our "free" email accounts in the same way recently we lose our images hosted in photobucket.
Some days ago I was inspecting (or revising) first posts in this forum. I am visiting forums years ago and some have dissappeared. Great forums like softonic have been considerably reduced by the presence of the social media. Forums like DC that begins being small today are great !.
We don't know what will bring the future, but every attempt to change the basic human nature always have failed. I hope some aggresive techniques will fail too.
As a spanish poet said about the system : Don't forget ! : Our commands are your desires.
We'll have to fight for this.