Go to that same view and right click on the tile. There should be uninstall there, unless it is a program that is installed by default.-wraith808 (April 26, 2017, 06:12 PM)
you *consistently* start threads without giving enough information -- this then has to be dragged out of you one question at a time. I need a lot of help on computer myself: I'm the opposite of an expert. One of the things I learned very quickly (I was told) is this: be as helpful as possible when asking for help. Give as much info as you possibly can, do research beforehand, and let them know what you found/didnt find. If a problem, try and fix it yourself: report on that. If you are helpful in these ways, you make the job of the person helping you much easier, and much more rewarding.I'm no saint, I forget all that regularly, but I'm aware of it, and make up for it where and when I can.