I ran across a tutorial to create shortcuts that can be pinned to the windows 10 start menu for steam games without using third party apps.
I wanted to automate this process using AutoHotKey, however when I get to the part where the script actually creates the shortcut, it creates a shortcut with a blank file location.
the file location has to be "%windir%\explorer.exe steam://rungameid/1234"
in my script, I am using
FileCreateShortcut, explorer.exe steam://rungameid/%Sname%, %Gname%.lnk,,,,%IcoLoco%
which creates a shortcut with a blank file location.
Is there any way that I can get this to work? I only know how to code in AHK, so switching to a different program language isn't an option for me, because I rarely make apps, so I don't really want to learn a whole new language just for one simple app.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.