This has to be on a floppy...and it has to be for Mac.
The first version of AOL for PC was AOL 1.3 for DOS. Before that it was only available for Mac (yes, that's why AOL is so easy to was made with Mac users in mind
AOL didn't start producing CD's till v2.5, I think. (I recently threw away one of those
There are so many varieties of AOL CD's that I can understand how someone can get caught up in collecting them like baseball cards....not that I would. I only keep one disk of every version since 4.0, in case I am required to install it on someone's PC...a total of 8 disks.
I know a person that collects AOL cd's for an odd purpose...he's building a table from them, gluing them all together. His point is that they can be useful for something. If he ever finishes the table I'll be sure to take pics and share them.