Hi Mark0,
First of all, I just want to second what's been said already about how interesting this is..even though I don't fully understand what it is or its possible applications. I'm not a "coder" and the only thing I've ever built in my life was a garden wall with my late father many years ago. My area of expertise is in music production. Once upon a time, I was dabbling with the idea of having a VST (a digital musical instrument plug-in / app) of my own built and was researching possible sources to do just that and somehow found my way here and seem to have stuck around.
Anyway, sorry for going off on a tangent there. This really does interest me, mainly for it's possible use in backing up my compositions and all musical data pertaining to the same..BUT..(and you'll have to excuse my total ignorance here) I don't really understand how I would actually use it in a day-to-day setting..or even how to set it up to begin with.
For the record, my studio system is a Windows 7 Pro 64 bit PC and I understand how to use Zip programs, which I gather this is something akin to..but what I really need it a very simple "walk-through" that would explain..as if to a child..what this is and how I can use it.
Again, my apologies for the ignorance on my part..but this really does sound like something everyone SHOULD be using, if I have understood it correctly..and I just need some clarification and help with it. Hope you don't mind supplying both when and if you have the time to do so.
Kind regards
Dan (solaris65)