I released version
There were a lot of changes:
[new] Added option to search files not containing text
[new] Added state icons to restrictions options
[new] Multiple size options: added GB
[alt] Options checkboxes state is no longer preserved. It was confusing.
[fix] Small Layout fixes
[fix] Improved error handling
[new] Multiple size options: autosize, in bytes, in KB, in MB
[new] Move UP/Down search folders changing search order
[fix] Small Layout fixes
[new] Added more custom icons to layout improving visual clarity
[new] Integrated with Notepad++. If installed option to open with Notepad++ is available
[new] New Command line option to add all available drives (ex:c:\ e:\) to search folders on startup
[new] New browse form that allows multiple folders paths to be selected (browse button)
[fix] Last column sort state is not preserved any more.
[fix] HotKey KeyCode not initialized correctly
[new] Tab selected is now preserved
[new] Results new option: Search with CSearcher (only directories)
new custom browse button: