this post, 4wd kindly corrected a munged Wikipedia link I'd put in.
If you use the reply box and click the button to enter an ordinary URL, the forum software pops up a little dialog so you can put it in in correct form, which is:
[url=]Re: Suggestion: A new GUI for ExifTools [/url]
But if you want to enter a Wikipedia link, the relevant button just gives:
with no indication of exactly what is wanted, which is similar to a plain URL:
[wiki=Comparison_of_metadata_editors]Comparison of metadata editors[/wiki]
which gives
Comparison of metadata editorswEvidently just the Wikipedia page is needed. Putting in the whole URL gives a Wikipedia error:
[wiki=]Comparison of metadata editors[/wiki]
Please can
in the reply box either be replaced by a dialog similar to the plain URL one, or otherwise be a bit clearer about the correct form to put in?
<sigh> I seem to have made a meal of this...