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Author Topic: FARR for mac  (Read 12516 times)

Filipe Meira Castro

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FARR for mac
« on: June 04, 2016, 05:54 PM »
When will this app be released for mac! Really, really need it!!!! :D:D:D


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Re: FARR for mac
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2016, 06:33 PM »
Get a better computer.

Seriously though, when I used a Mac once, I found Alfred to be an o.k. replacement for FARR.

Filipe Meira Castro

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Re: FARR for mac
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2016, 07:17 PM »
hehehheh!! Thanks for the tip Tuxman, will give it a try :D


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Re: FARR for mac
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2016, 08:26 AM »
Which needs do you have that Spotlight doesn't cover?
- carpe noctem


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Re: FARR for mac
« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2016, 08:29 AM »
I was wondering the same thing as f0dder. Since moving platforms, I have found spotlight infinitely useful.

Filipe Meira Castro

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Re: FARR for mac
« Reply #5 on: June 05, 2016, 10:25 AM »

Spotlight is nice, specially the indexing makes it really fast.

FARR is really amazing for me, it is highly configurable, so I can add different priority for specific folders and remove others. With an hotkey FARR provides the history of recently opened files and also has a small toolbar for other apps. Would be really nice to have FARR on mac!!

The only thing Spotlight is better is the indexing that makes it really fast (even using it with an SSD drive which is my standard for many years, must have if using FARR!!)

Cheers :D


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Re: FARR for mac
« Reply #6 on: June 05, 2016, 02:38 PM »
I was wondering the same thing as f0dder. Since moving platforms, I have found spotlight infinitely useful.

You've totally moved to Mac?  How are you finding it?


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Re: FARR for mac
« Reply #7 on: June 05, 2016, 04:14 PM »
I was wondering the same thing as f0dder. Since moving platforms, I have found spotlight infinitely useful.

You've totally moved to Mac?  How are you finding it?

Actually, I am quite enjoying it. Yes, I could have purchased a lot more power for the same amount of money, but the machine works far better than any Windows machine I've ever used. Don't get me wrong, there are some app differences (Office for MAC does not equal Office for PC - Found this out in my final masters course). It is a very well thought out OS/hardware integration.

As a casual gamer, there are only a handful of games I cannot play but that seems to be shifting (a large portion of my steam games work). The biggest challenge was adjusting the habits I once had for Windows and adapting them to OSX. I now miss spotlight on Windows, I love the seamless virtual desktop setup, and I rarely have to reboot this machine. I still very much enjoy Windows 10, but OSX is a much better day-to-day OS for me, especially with rapid terminal access :) That said, I am looking to move my daughter's machine to a Mac Mini and get my wife a Macbook Air, eventually. My media server remains on Windows (The Linux distros still fail to handle some features I require otherwise I would turn that into an appliance) and my firewall runs pfsense.


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Re: FARR for mac
« Reply #8 on: June 05, 2016, 05:37 PM »
I was wondering the same thing as f0dder. Since moving platforms, I have found spotlight infinitely useful.
You've totally moved to Mac?  How are you finding it?
The question was for Josh, but let me chime in.

I've been exclusively using OS X (on decent, but overpriced, Apple hardware) for work, since October last year. For the stuff I do, there's some advantages to this - a lot of OpenSource stuff just works better on something semi-unix, since programmers are too lazy to write properly portable code... and homebrew *is* easier than hunting down all your tools manually on Windows (even though the combined OS X ecosystem is worse than package managers on Linux).

A lot of things are a bit too dumbed-down for my taste, and the OS is pretty unstable compared to any Windows release since Vista. I've had a bunch of gray-screen-of-death kernel panics doing such OUTRAGEOUS things as trying to drag a window to another monitor, or fullscreening a youtube video. And while the machine is silent under normal operation, it goes full jet engine (as well as thigh-scorching hot) when the GPU is involved.

Sans the "runs opensource easier", I see no reason whatsoever to run OS X - definitely wouldn't be doing it at home. It really isn't "easier" that Windows these days, it's less stable, and while MS are pulling some nasty stuff with Win10, Apple are even more evil. I'd be closer to moving the home setup to Linux than OS X :)
- carpe noctem


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Re: FARR for mac
« Reply #9 on: June 05, 2016, 05:40 PM »
homebrew *is* easier than hunting down all your tools manually on Windows  8)


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Re: FARR for mac
« Reply #10 on: June 05, 2016, 06:31 PM »
I just ask, because I ended my experiment last year.  I posted up my experiences, and my reasoning when I got rid of it.

So seeing DC'ers take the plunge and enjoy it, I was just wondering.  I think my next frontier is the Surface.

homebrew *is* easier than hunting down all your tools manually on Windows  8)

I actually have to agree with you on this one.


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Re: FARR for mac
« Reply #11 on: June 05, 2016, 06:37 PM »


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Re: FARR for mac
« Reply #12 on: June 05, 2016, 08:51 PM »
I was wondering the same thing as f0dder. Since moving platforms, I have found spotlight infinitely useful.
You've totally moved to Mac?  How are you finding it?
The question was for Josh, but let me chime in.

I've been exclusively using OS X (on decent, but overpriced, Apple hardware) for work, since October last year. For the stuff I do, there's some advantages to this - a lot of OpenSource stuff just works better on something semi-unix, since programmers are too lazy to write properly portable code... and homebrew *is* easier than hunting down all your tools manually on Windows (even though the combined OS X ecosystem is worse than package managers on Linux).

A lot of things are a bit too dumbed-down for my taste, and the OS is pretty unstable compared to any Windows release since Vista. I've had a bunch of gray-screen-of-death kernel panics doing such OUTRAGEOUS things as trying to drag a window to another monitor, or fullscreening a youtube video. And while the machine is silent under normal operation, it goes full jet engine (as well as thigh-scorching hot) when the GPU is involved.

Sans the "runs opensource easier", I see no reason whatsoever to run OS X - definitely wouldn't be doing it at home. It really isn't "easier" that Windows these days, it's less stable, and while MS are pulling some nasty stuff with Win10, Apple are even more evil. I'd be closer to moving the home setup to Linux than OS X :)

I've actually yet to experience the "grey screen" effect yet. I've had the occasional app lockup where I had to force close it or kill -9 it, but I have had no stability issues on my 2015 MBP. I will concur with the dumbed down aspect of the OS. However, I've found myself being able to work around those shortcomings. The only thing I wish I could find at this point is a decent replacement for DOpus. I grew accustom to it while I was on Windows but am managing with CommanderOne. While not the sae, it is a good compromise for what I need. The only reboots I've had to perform are because I have to shutdown or because my NAS stops responding (Problem with the NAS OS and its emulation of AFP, not a problem of the MBP itself).

I would use Linux, and do at times, but I feel that the distros I've tried are nowhere near ready for primetime and I find myself being nagged by issues that should not be (I should not have to hack pulseaudio or alsa on a fresh install, just one example). Again, to each there own and I do enjoy Linux, I just don't want to have to spend more time hacking the OS to make it work properly on different systems and would rather a system just work (Win10 and OSX fit that bill for me). That said, OSX is a breath of fresh air.

I've noticed some fan activity on my MBP when gaming but otherwise it is silent and cool. However, I would likely experience the same jet-engine sounds on the other hardware I was considering at the same price point I paid for this machine (Think AORUS or MSI Gaming Laptops). I settled on this as I can play a majority of the games I care about on OSX with more being added every month.


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Re: FARR for mac
« Reply #13 on: June 11, 2016, 06:44 AM »
homebrew *is* easier than hunting down all your tools manually on Windows  8)
Chocolatey is nice, but it's still a big kludge compared to homebrew or Linux package managers.

Not a fault of the Chocolatey developers, btw, just the sad fact of a zillion different installer types and ways to do stuff on the Windows platform. It's kinda hit & miss whether uninstall or upgrade will work.
- carpe noctem


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Re: FARR for mac
« Reply #14 on: November 22, 2016, 08:45 AM »
FARR for mac? I think this advice is good for all mac users.