Here's what you need in the imports section:
Imports System.IO
Imports System.IO.File
Imports System.Reflection
And here's the function. I imagine that some people will notice that I check to see if the file is there. Then in the try block, the first thing I do is try to delete the file. I can't really remember why I did this. It may have been just wanting to make sure it was not there before creating the new file.
Here's the function, also here's what's at the top of the class that defines logfilename
Const logFilename As String = "logFile.txt"
Public Function logFile(LogMessage As String, Optional ex As Exception = Nothing) As Boolean
If Not Exists(logFilename) Then
Using sw = AppendText(logFilename)
End Using
Return True
Throw New Exception("File Not Found " & ex.Message)
End Try
Using sw = AppendText(logFilename)
End Using
End If
Return False
End Function
And here's the way you do it if you want to know what function an error came from. Also ex.Message is optional.
logFile(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod.ToString & " Some Error Message " & ex.Message)
Hope someone finds this helpful. I almost forgot... when you define just the logfileName, it writes the information in the working directory. If you want to go somewhere else, just add the path to the const. And, the error text in the catch section should be changed to something else. I just didn't take the time to do it yet.
And... I made this a while ago, so it's not very OO.