I probably wasn't clear enough. I actually do make the png files (or have been) from the original text. But the text comes in written in various formats ad i am creating titles for their webpage from it.
Once i get the text arranged properly that is exactly what i have been doing , Creating the pngs and this has been fine for several years. A new "addition" to the office has decided he can't be bothered with clicking links to see what page they go to and it wold be too long to put the entire description in the hyperlink to a website. He cannot figure it out from the first letter of each work. As above www. "coasd.com" for "city of angels sanitation department". He now wants me to create a text file from the already converted pngs that he can import into Excel. So he can read what goes to which.
I was looking for a way to go back and do it after the fact by scripting rather than by hand. Going forward.. Yes, I wrote that into the "site-creation" scripts to save this info as text tags as well as the final png files.
4wd's solution was perfect and it was lucky for me I had found that exact same utility and installed it on my server but had not yer tested because it looked pretty complicated. I would like to report that it is a "fantastic" utility that I wish I had known about long ago. I am sure that I will have plenty more uses for it. I did not bother try the portable and went straight to the installed Q16 X64. a decision i hope won't come back to 'bite me'

But the convert.exe is now in my path and the command runs from anywhere. As soon as i can work out all the settings to get exactly what i need it will be a perfect fit! Thanks 4WD
PS: I know i asked for an "end to end" combination (And it works great!) but do you know the correct command to STACK the images as well?
I hope you can also find me a VIM script or whatever it take to add the two <enter> at the end of each use of Paste so I end up with a double spaced list using only copy/paste to get there.