Simpler easier to maintain version with incremental search for program in list.
Use Case
you want to open a file with a specific program (not being the default)
How to
find a file or folder using farr
copy file to searchbox (cursor down, cursor right)
one or more spaces and -- after the filename or folder
then select one of the programs from the list
or do an incremental search through the list by adding searchstring character after the '--' you just entered.
You need to define the following alias:
alias name: Choose program to load
alias regular expression: (.*)\s+--(.*)$
alias filter field : $$2
Use the following alias results (programpaths on your machine will most likely be different):
[Enter] view VLC| %programfiles%\vlc\vlc.exe "$$1"
[Enter] view IRFANview | %programfiles%\irfanview\i_view32.exe "$$1"
[Enter] edit notepad | c:\windows\notepad.exe "$$1"
[Enter] edit gvim | %programfiles%\vim\gvim.exe "$$1"
[Enter] goto totalcmd |%programfiles%\totalcmd\totalcmd64.exe /o "$$1"
[Enter] browser chrome|%programfiles%\chrome\chrome.exe "$$1"[Enter] copy to CLIPBOARD | copyclip $$1
[Enter] run deafult| shellexe $$1
To open the html file with your default browser
--runthen press [Enter]
To open the html file with chrome browser
--chromethen press [Enter]
To open the html file with an editor you would type
--editthen choose the editor you want to use, and then press [Enter]
To open the html file with notepad you would type
--padthen press [Enter]
To open the html file with graphical version of vim (the greatest editor ever ;-) you would type
--gvimthen press [Enter]
A few notes:
Keep the descriptions before the '|' character unique, then the searchstring can also be kept short...
The text [Enter] is just a reminder that you must press the [Enter] key to really execute the command.
