Not if you're on a Mac, though.
System Integrity Protection has been added into OSX Capitan, making a lot of things impossible without changing the OS and turning the protection off - and not just through a setting. You have to go to the terminal in recovery mode, and type in a command to disable it.
Rootless, as it's called, is also retroactive. If you modified anything in one of the protected folder, it is moved to a migration folder when you install.
Now, one might thing this is a good thing. And on the surface, I couldn't disagree with that assessment. But remember the walled city of the Apple ecosystem. This is a trial of that walled city extending to the desktop. And because the ability to turn it off is in such an obscure place... they can take it out without notice.
Jailbreaking desktops, anyone?
I'm so glad I switched away from Mac. But I'm sure that the PC market is salivating over the lock-in and how to apply it to Windows...