WOW! I gotta learn Look before I leap..
I found about a million apps....The key was to ask Google the question phrased in the exactly right way.
So if anyone has a favorite they can recommend, I now have everythign from links to Outlooks People lists that do not require opening Outlook to tiny programs that can remind you when someones birthday is near. Plus (of course) their phone number
Thanks to DC for being a place someone can ask even "dumb" questions and still get polite responses and Help.
Except for anyone offering an opinion on a "Good One", I think everyone and their brother already wrote at least one.
Before I start trying to code some poor imitation to work with Notepad or a similar text program, it occurred to me that surely there is one of these already out there.
A simple text document "Phone Book-like listing I can use for people in the Office (or I can see many good Personal Uses too now that Phone Directories are a thing of the past). Back in he days of Windows 95 (I think) i used to have a fantastic one that ran as a "TSR:" app back then but it has long since died as it would not run on X64 at all. I don't even remember the name but i have missed it mightily! The program would have to be one that loads in memory as I have to refer to it while doing all kinds of other things. The Old program used to work like a charm if only i knew the name, Maybe someone picked up the pieces and brought it forward to the Windows 10 world.
Something where I can hit ALT+P or similar and have a simple text listing in alphabet order of names and phone numbers that another ALT+P would close.
In my case I only have to deal with maybe 50 names but each has a Home/Office/Cell/Fax/Ofc Extension# etc and it is tiring to have to look them all up on their email signatures or deal with the MS Office Contact program just to get a phone number every time it is needed.
The "paper sheet" hard-copy version tends to "migrate south". (ie: the Round File Area) or.. maybe migrates to other desks!
I would not complain if there was room for an email address on each person as well.