Potential bugs I've discovered:
1. I have the setting "Take Image of Active Window" enabled and is working as expected on the screen where SC was launched, but when I take a screenshot of a window on another monitor, a portion of the background of the active window is taken as well. This portion is a bit larger than the active window.
2. Not sure if my hard drive is too slow (7200 rpm, pretty average), but when I take screenshots one after the other at a decent pace (I make sure my file explorer updates to include the screenshot taken before I take the other and then take another screenshot maybe 2 seconds after), but some screenshots seem to be corrupted and some seem to contain a previous screenshot overlapping it. A bizarre thing is that some of these overlapped screenshots appear fine using Windows's default image viewer as well as on SC but are overlapped when opened with IrfanView as well as Windows's File Explorer preview...
Also, 2 feature requests:
1. An option to close SC when clicking the red X button in the Quick-Capture bar (and if this option is implemented, consider that the button should not close Quick-Capture bar so that in the next launch, Quick-Capture bar is not closed by default). Whenever I use SC, I always have SC main window minimized and always have Quick-Capture bar enabled (auto-hide). I would take a bunch of screenshots using the Quick-Capture bar and then want to quick the program using it.
2. I was wondering if it's in consideration to incorporate the option to upload the screenshots to the very popular imgur.com.
Other than that, this is still a really great program.