Hey guys,
Just thought I would post a quick update on what is happening behind the scenes!
So...firstly, there are several new features for each page on the CMS, these will be revealed/discussed i another thread when I get a free moment - Without going into details now, they keep the pages up-to-date and more interesting to visit, especially if you have interests in specific parts of the website </vagueness>
On from this, I have just imported a nightmarish amount of links into the Archive - These include (but are not limited to):
• Old Contests that everybody has forgotten about
• Reviews from years ago that pretty much hold no relevance anymore
• Pages I doubt anybody even knew existed in the first place
These equate to around 200 links from the current website (I highly doubt any of them are referenced anywhere on the entire website, but I don't really want to search every single one to see if they are linked....so they are coming with us in "link form" just so nothing breaks)
Further to this, Mousers software pages have been a headache to do, mainly because of the volume of information that has to be brought over...luckily mouser came up with an awesome way for us to manage certain aspects of these pages (Download Links, and such) that unifies every single software page, and makes things a whole lot easier to locate!
Discussions are in the works for other features on the new website when it is released, and I know a lot of you will be really happy to see quite a few of these bigger changes when they are implemented.
On top of all this, I would like to emphasise mousers note on having new content ready for the new website when we release.
To give you an idea of what that content could be, take a look at the list below (these are simply examples and we will accept almost anything!):
• Regularly updated blogs
- This will be a regular blog page for YOU on the website. You will be responsible for updating this blog via DC at your own leisure
• Columns
- These could be columns about pretty much anything you feel like writing about
• Full Reviews/Mini-Reviews
- Same process as right now, just a better process for highlighting these posts.
Every bit of new content we can muster would be fantastic, and they will all be added prior to official release but AFTER we have finished everything else.