I haven't tried the Linux Unity editor yet because when I made the move to Windows 10, the built-in Hyper-V stuff broke my 64-bit VMs from working in VirtualBox and I haven't figured out how to get them working again. And while my netbook is currently set up to dual-boot Linux & Windows 10, it's a really old, slow machine that could barely run Windows XP, much less the Unity editor for Windows. The idea of trying out an unstable build of the Unity editor on an already unstable device doesn't seem too appealing to me. So please do report back once you've taken Unity for a spin!
This is slightly off-topic, but:
Every so often I say to myself, "You know, the only reason I'm still using Windows is..." and then I'd say the Windows exclusive thing. For a long time it was the games. But the past few years has seen incredible cross-platform support in almost all the games I play, or would want to play. But by then I was using Unity pretty heavily for my development, so I said "I have to stay on Windows to use the Unity editor."
But maybe soon that will no longer be a valid excuse. Will I someday boot into a Linux distro as my primary OS? I'll probably always have Windows as a dual boot or at least a VM for the foreseeable future, but it doesn't seem too far fetched that I may indeed be using some form of Linux as my daily driver.