The actual upgrade *might* take place a little earlier than the 1st.. perhaps this weekend, in order to guarantee that the upgrade is smoothly finished by the 1st.-mouser (August 26, 2015, 06:49 PM)
The actual upgrade *might* take place a little earlier than the 1st.. perhaps this weekend, in order to guarantee that the upgrade is smoothly finished by the 1st.-mouser (August 26, 2015, 06:49 PM)I shall translate that for everybody:"I just want to get this over and done with as quickly as possible then I can go back to having some sort of real life again" -Stephen66515 (August 26, 2015, 07:02 PM)
yourvideo.webm. You cannot upload that type of file. The only allowed extensions are txt,jpg,jpeg,gif,mpg,png,zip,rar,7z,ahk,fbs,mov,avi,mpg,rm,exe,mid,mp3,wav,grid,opml,tgz,gz,xml,ini,alias,wma,ogg,xz,pdf,apk,wmv,mp4,asf,webp.-DonationCoder
yourvideo.webm. You cannot upload that type of file. The only allowed extensions are txt,jpg,jpeg,gif,mpg,png,zip,rar,7z,ahk,fbs,mov,avi,mpg,rm,exe,mid,mp3,wav,grid,opml,tgz,gz,xml,ini,alias,wma,ogg,xz,pdf,apk,wmv,mp4,asf,webp.-DonationCoderwebm is (was?) the declared future of videos on the web, and is regarded as safe content in Firefox, Internet Explorer and Edge. Surely webm is a must for allowed filetypes here on DC?!http://camendesign.c..._everybody/test.html (August 27, 2015, 09:19 AM)