I've got 30 virtual systems running on 2 physical Hyper-V servers here at the office. The two physical host machines run in a secondary (forest and) domain that is completely invisible to the production systems, and the whole shebang has been rock stable for the ~2 years we've had it in operation.
I replicated the configuration for a local school last year (which I also manage for them), and they too have been quite happy with it.
So list me under Hugh fan of Hyper-V!
-Stoic Joker
I would like to do this. how should I think about this? here's what I'm thinking...
my main purpose for the server is to be a central storage server
I'll also use AD and domain services for managing all the home devices
I won't do too much more than that on the server itself, maybe run a couple of shared applications, but most of the software will be on local machines.
So, using hyper-v, how is this supposed to be organized? I basically will have one tower for the physical server. The only additional boxes would be for more storage.
from reading 40's post above, i want to know what gets installed on the bare metal, and what can be run from a hyper-v VM...
Does AD and the main server go on the bare metal?
And then do I run the applications on a VM?
is there a rule of thumb about what gets on a VM and what doesn't? From what I've read so far, it sounds like AD should be on the main host OS, and nothing else. In my case, I'll also install the software raid on the main host OS, but I actually don't think I have to with the way it works.