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Author Topic: Want to backup your music collection? Tough...It's illegal.  (Read 9118 times)


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If you read further into the story, even the IPO basically say "It's illegal, but we don't care"...which, IMHO, is as stupid as it can get...if you don't care, then why the hell make it illegal in the first place?  Personally, I say f**k it..carry on doing what you were doing...if you wanna backup your music/movie collection...or anything else you legally own...then do it.

If you’ve used iTunes CD ripping feature recently, did you know you were breaking the law? If you backed up your PC to a remote cloud platform, did you know you were taking part in an illegal activity? Yes, thanks to a recent overturning of revised copyright legislation by the High Court, copying any copyright protected media, whether from a CD to a PC, one device to another, or even backing up to a remote cloud is entirely illegal.

The High Court decision came through last month, where it overturned a previous ruling by the British government made in 2014, which legalised the copying of privately owned media for private use. A number of music studios were scared by that though and assumed people would stop buying music, so it lobbied and had the decision made unlawful in June this year.

So technically almost all copying is illegal, and this has been clarified as such by the Intellectual Property Office, which TorrentFreak recently spoke to. It specifically highlighted how it is illegal to rip a CD to a PC, making iTunes illegal and its advertising potentially infringing of copyright law, since it advertises the feature.



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Re: Want to backup your music collection? Tough...It's illegal.
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2015, 10:36 AM »
Uhh... I honestly am looking forward to the day the vinyl generation of judges die off (of natural causes), and get replaced by mp3 generation ones.


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Re: Want to backup your music collection? Tough...It's illegal.
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2015, 10:44 AM »
Uhh... I honestly am looking forward to the day the vinyl generation of judges die off (of natural causes), and get replaced by mp3 generation ones.

Gotta love it when people with no knowledge of technology create laws governing technology, eh!


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Re: Want to backup your music collection? Tough...It's illegal.
« Reply #3 on: August 06, 2015, 11:25 AM »
Uhh... I honestly am looking forward to the day the vinyl generation of judges die off (of natural causes), and get replaced by mp3 generation ones.

Gotta love it when people with no knowledge of technology create laws governing technology, eh!

Here's another gem:

Insanity Rules: NSA Apologists Actually Think Apple Protecting You & Your Data Could Be 'Material Support' For ISIS

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Re: Want to backup your music collection? Tough...It's illegal.
« Reply #4 on: August 06, 2015, 11:46 AM »
This is simply proof that the zombie apocalypse is real, because we're all being chased. nagged, and bleed to death by the zombified walking corpse of the music industry as it existed back in the (as said before) "Vinyl Age". Their time of vampiric reign is long over and they need to all collectively fuck off and get on with dying..


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Re: Want to backup your music collection? Tough...It's illegal.
« Reply #5 on: August 06, 2015, 12:35 PM »
Their time of vampiric reign is long over and they need to all collectively fuck off and get on with dying..

Well said!


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Re: Want to backup your music collection? Tough...It's illegal.
« Reply #6 on: August 06, 2015, 01:06 PM »

I'm disturbed by the phrase "They didn't like the law so they made it illegal" ?!!

So any law made never matters ever again if the High Court over there can overturn it?!! Like (Vader) "We modified the deal. Pray we don't modify it further!" (/Vader)


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Re: Want to backup your music collection? Tough...It's illegal.
« Reply #7 on: August 06, 2015, 01:07 PM »

Plus with Microsoft's new "Slipstream capability" they can one day push an update that just happens to do nasty things. Like "You're over a barrel now. Pray we don't push an update you don't like!"

:o  >:(


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Re: Want to backup your music collection? Tough...It's illegal.
« Reply #8 on: August 06, 2015, 01:29 PM »
If the law is an ass, it's because an ass is frequently The Law.

Evey so often nine asses are gathered together to form an 'asinine' - or Supreme Court. 

(Can't remember where I first saw the above.)


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Re: Want to backup your music collection? Tough...It's illegal.
« Reply #9 on: August 06, 2015, 01:39 PM »
If the law is an ass, it's because an ass is frequently The Law.

Evey so often nine asses are gathered together to form an 'asinine' - or Supreme Court. 

(Can't remember where I first saw the above.)

That's really right.

I had a judge tell me that "While I was in his court, the law was what he said it was.  If I wanted to argue the law, I should have brought a lawyer."

And the lawyer that had told me not to take him to court said, that's how it works.  But if I'd brought a lawyer, just that fact would have been prejudicial.

The words, Rock and Hard Place came to mind.  And he totally agreed.

It's depressing when you think about it.


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Re: Want to backup your music collection? Tough...It's illegal.
« Reply #10 on: August 06, 2015, 01:43 PM »
...copying any copyright protected media, whether from a CD to a PC, one device to another, or even backing up to a remote cloud is entirely illegal.

But wait! In order to watch a video or listen to a song online, my browser (or app) has to download a local copy onto my device so that I can hear/see it!

But wait! If I buy a digital album from iTunes (on my trendy Macbook) and then put it onto my iPod/iPhone, I've just made a copy of copyright protected media! It's on my Mac and my iDevice!

But wait! If I use a service like Subsonic or Plex to have a little media box somewhere that allows me to stream to my TV, Phone, Tablet, PC, or other connected devices, it's copying those files to all those other devices!

Doesn't this ruling basically make the entire proliferation of copyright protected media illegal?


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Re: Want to backup your music collection? Tough...It's illegal.
« Reply #11 on: August 06, 2015, 01:55 PM »
...copying any copyright protected media, whether from a CD to a PC, one device to another, or even backing up to a remote cloud is entirely illegal.

But wait! In order to watch a video or listen to a song online, my browser (or app) has to download a local copy onto my device so that I can hear/see it!

But wait! If I buy a digital album from iTunes (on my trendy Macbook) and then put it onto my iPod/iPhone, I've just made a copy of copyright protected media! It's on my Mac and my iDevice!

But wait! If I use a service like Subsonic or Plex to have a little media box somewhere that allows me to stream to my TV, Phone, Tablet, PC, or other connected devices, it's copying those files to all those other devices!

Doesn't this ruling basically make the entire proliferation of copyright protected media illegal?

Yep - And good luck using your TiVO box to record your favorite show....cause now you have just illegally copied copyrighted materials ^_^


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Re: Want to backup your music collection? Tough...It's illegal.
« Reply #12 on: August 06, 2015, 02:31 PM »
...copying any copyright protected media, whether from a CD to a PC, one device to another, or even backing up to a remote cloud is entirely illegal.

But wait! In order to watch a video or listen to a song online, my browser (or app) has to download a local copy onto my device so that I can hear/see it!

But wait! If I buy a digital album from iTunes (on my trendy Macbook) and then put it onto my iPod/iPhone, I've just made a copy of copyright protected media! It's on my Mac and my iDevice!

But wait! If I use a service like Subsonic or Plex to have a little media box somewhere that allows me to stream to my TV, Phone, Tablet, PC, or other connected devices, it's copying those files to all those other devices!

Doesn't this ruling basically make the entire proliferation of copyright protected media illegal?

In some senses it already was ... leaving for other posts the US/UK/"3rd world countries" differences in law aside, the whole "web 2.0 *share* thing is a scam! Because anything other than the ("the not yet wholly illegal") posting of a link ... becomes ... wait for it ... copying a copyrighted item!

But no, Facebook is paying millions to let people gleefully "share" ... um ... copy ... copyrighted pics ... ahem ... "3rd class digital files" (or something!) every day in billions of posts.

"But it's okay, it doesn't move ... except if it's a moving gif... but then it's not a movie! And none of those are songs!" (see my thing elsewhere about embedding music into pics!)

So what does the ruling mean? "Copying ... uh ... to a folder location easily findable ... uh by anyone who only uses their computer to go on facebook, or iTunes... yeah that's it ... is illegal. All copies that go to temp files while you "stream" are fine ... so then if you tell people where to find the streamed "temp files" and make them non-temp, yeah, that's what we mean!"

<--- Facedesks and cries.


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Re: Want to backup your music collection? Tough...It's illegal.
« Reply #13 on: August 09, 2015, 09:20 AM »
Called this.

Sooner or later if it isn't already, sharing a picture of a kitten leaping into a bucket with your mom will be a high profile crime worthy of half a million dollars in fines and fees and 20-life prison time.

I've been telling people to just practice civil disobedience. This is a law that obviously cannot be enforced because collectively the citizenship of the country simply ignores it and has no interest in obeying it.

If the courts actually worked as intended they would recognize this law is of corrupt intentions and does not benefit the people of the country, so they would order it striken from the books without any further negotiation.

Justice is blind, but she can clearly smell money.


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Re: Want to backup your music collection? Tough...It's illegal.
« Reply #14 on: August 09, 2015, 09:29 AM »
Called this.

Sooner or later if it isn't already, sharing a picture of a kitten leaping into a bucket with your mom will be a high profile crime worthy of half a million dollars in fines and fees and 20-life prison time.

I've been telling people to just practice civil disobedience. This is a law that obviously cannot be enforced because collectively the citizenship of the country simply ignores it and has no interest in obeying it.

If the courts actually worked as intended they would recognize this law is of corrupt intentions and does not benefit the people of the country, so they would order it striken from the books without any further negotiation.

Justice is blind, but she can clearly smell money.

Well, the one lucky thing is...we have the backing of the major software distributors on this one - for example, Apple with iTunes...they ALLOW you to do this (Mainly because other than streaming (which...let's not get into the whole downloading temp-file status) - so if the govt decide to come down on people doing it (even though they said even the IPO have no interest in upholding this pointless law) then they will have some HUGE companies threatening to pull their business out of the country...and we all know that companies threatening to move themselves and no longer have to pay huge amount of taxes, will be far more of an incentive for the government to make changes (Since, most laws are based around money gathering, rather than for the benefit of the general public)


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Re: Want to backup your music collection? Tough...It's illegal.
« Reply #15 on: August 10, 2015, 02:01 AM »
If you read further into the story, even the IPO basically say "It's illegal, but we don't care"...which, IMHO, is as stupid as it can get...if you don't care, then why the hell make it illegal in the first place?

Because when you make everything "illegal", anyone who is "inconvenient" can be thrown in a rape cage.

Personally, I say f**k it..carry on doing what you were doing...if you wanna backup your music/movie collection...or anything else you legally own...then do it.

That, and I would go further. Back it all up. The legality of it is irrelevant now. Because everything is illegal.

Their time of vampiric reign is long over and they need to all collectively fuck off and get on with dying..

And especially the dying part. The sooner, the better. Although... a little agony wouldn't be all that bad. 8)

Doesn't this ruling basically make the entire proliferation of copyright protected media illegal?

The governments and courts have +5 rings of protection against logic and scrolls of protection from sanity in massive supplies. That doesn't even take into account their +5 armour of confusion that prevents them from understanding when they're being total idiots.

Sooner or later if it isn't already, sharing a picture of a kitten leaping into a bucket with your mom will be a high profile crime worthy of half a million dollars in fines and fees and 20-life prison time.

It's very convenient when everyone is a criminal.

I've been telling people to just practice civil disobedience. This is a law that obviously cannot be enforced because collectively the citizenship of the country simply ignores it and has no interest in obeying it.

If the courts actually worked as intended they would recognize this law is of corrupt intentions and does not benefit the people of the country, so they would order it striken from the books without any further negotiation.

Justice is blind, but she can clearly smell money.

In other words... Someone will need to wield Stormbringer... The sword forged to devour the souls of gods. This won't end well.

I have no faith in the UK or any hope for it. Rulings like this only serve to show that the UK is strong competition for the US in overthrowing the DPRK as the world's worst police state champion.

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Freedom is the right to be wrong, not the right to do wrong. - John Diefenbaker