...copying any copyright protected media, whether from a CD to a PC, one device to another, or even backing up to a remote cloud is entirely illegal.
But wait! In order to watch a video or listen to a song online, my browser (or app) has to download a local copy onto my device so that I can hear/see it!
But wait! If I buy a digital album from iTunes (on my trendy Macbook) and then put it onto my iPod/iPhone, I've just made a copy of copyright protected media! It's on my Mac and my iDevice!
But wait! If I use a service like Subsonic or Plex to have a little media box somewhere that allows me to stream to my TV, Phone, Tablet, PC, or other connected devices, it's copying those files to all those other devices!
Doesn't this ruling basically make the entire proliferation of copyright protected media illegal?
In some senses it already was ... leaving for other posts the US/UK/"3rd world countries" differences in law aside, the whole "web 2.0 *share* thing is a scam! Because anything other than the ("the not yet wholly illegal") posting of a link ... becomes ... wait for it ... copying a copyrighted item!
But no, Facebook is paying millions to let people gleefully "share" ... um ... copy ...
copyrighted pics ... ahem ... "3rd class digital files" (or something!) every day in billions of posts.
"But it's okay, it doesn't move ... except if it's a moving gif... but then it's not a movie! And none of those are songs!" (see my thing elsewhere about embedding music into pics!)
So what does the ruling mean? "Copying ... uh ... to a folder location easily findable ... uh by anyone who only uses their computer to go on facebook, or iTunes... yeah that's it ... is illegal. All copies that go to temp files while you "stream" are fine ... so then if you tell people where to find the streamed "temp files" and make them non-temp, yeah, that's what we mean!"
<--- Facedesks and cries.