Hmm, I did disable the NVIDIA Driver Helper Service and of course the problem remained since it has nothing to do with the inability to access my nVidia Network Access Manager. Funny thing is I was trialing URLSnooper 6 weeks ago and it worked fine, however I have never had a need to use it again until tonight, so I thought I would give it another try. If it worked then it should work tonight - thats strange.
Anyway, I just now installed another media packet sniffer called URL-Sniffer and it too has a nice GUI - but not as nice as URLSnooper.
However it generated
An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions. so that didnt work.
I also tried another one whose name escapes me and it too had a nice GUI. It detected
both of my two network manager controllers/adaptors and even gave me the choice of having the program use either one. However, no matter which of the two it chose it wasnt seeing any packets (was unable to).
Doesn't seem to make sense if URLSnooper worked 6 weeks ago and Windump is working tonight - that I cant get URLSnooper to work.
Am not going to mess around and disable or uninstall anything related to my chipset just for a non essential program
Oh well, will play around with it some more.
Thank You