since several days, my ScreenshotCaptor installation started to always put an additional "DonnationCoder"-folder onto my computer's desktop, which has a ScreenshotCaptor-folder and different subfolders in it (MyClipart, MyFrames, ObjectPresets, Screenshots, Temp).
These subfolders are also present in the ScreenshotCaptor program's installation path, where they are named a bit differently (Clipart, Frames, ObjectPresets, Screenshots, Sounds, Tools).
The ScreenshotCaptor.ini file is now always created in the ScreenshotCaptor-folder on my computer's desktop, instead of the program's installation folder.
I don't know, why I now have to accept an additional folder on my desktop
and I tried to get rid of it by searching through the program's settings. Anyway, the only thing that I was able to find was the ConfigDir.ini-file.
But all the modifications in this file that I tried until now didn't change anything on my system.
I tried to set the path to
(and, yes, I left away the "\\" characters in front of the respective line
... no success and no change! Modified settings of the program will always be written to the ini file that is located within the ScreenshotCaptor subfolder on my computer's desktop.
What is going wrong here?
Is there another way to get rid of the desktop folder and have ScreenshotCaptor write its settings into the installation folder again?
Thanks for helping!
btw: my system is a Windows 7 Enterprise laptop; I already reinstalled ScreenshotCaptor two times from scratch; ScreenshotCaptor version is 4.12.0