Actually I just found this...
TrimRightCountEdit.Value=0Muah ha ha ha <mad scientist laughter>
As you might guess, I took the .preset.format file from C:\Program Files\Clipboard Help+Spell\MyConfigDir\PresetFormats and changed the extension to ".txt" in order to open and view the content.
But I'm guessing that if I try to rearrange these items, then change back to .preset.format, I'll probably corrupt the file -- yes?
EDIT: Actually, I see that the script tool does allow you to activate it "before" or "after" other formatting, so that's cool.
Question: What script engines have folks been calling with this tool? Mostly AutoHotkey .exe files, I would imagine.
Thot: The above "hacked" file contents are more user-friendly than an external script, in some respects, because the syntax is already there... It's sortof like doing VBA Macros in Word. If I had to make the VBA module from scratch, I honestly wouldn't know where to start. So I always "record" a macro to get the bare bones, then edit the code that Word provides....
EDIT 2: Actually I opened a copy of the C:\Program Files\Clipboard Help+Spell\Tools\ file, and it does appear to be a text file.
What cryptic alien language is this though?
# check and get commandline args
($#ARGV >=1) || die "ERROR: first two arguments should be input path and output path (place each one in double quotes)\n";
# open files
open(IN,$infilepath) || die "cannot open input file";
open(OUT,">".$outfilepath) || die "cannot open output file";
# write out modified text
# remove newline which is unpredictable
# reverse the line
$outline = reverse($_);
# now write it out with predictable newline at end
print OUT $outline . "\n";
# close files
close(OUT); Also, the ".pl" files don't show up in the script tool file picker dialog....