No, I did not mean 'Disable'/'Enabe', although that could be checked on- in the first place and 'Enabled''/'Disabled' depending on the condition of the Users' Action.
A button or a pair of buttons on the TaskBar.
This button/buttons would be use for the primory Internet ISP account holder (IPS name and Lon-in) to log-in with one press of a button.
Conditions would apply for:-
a). If Wireless/Netword Not 'Enabled' then hand over to Windows environment for new account setup.
b). If 'Enabled' - Automatically Log-in to prime account Holder. Connection complete, switch button to 'Green' else 'Red'.
Other useful operations:-
This routine will only work on already setup accounts.
On Set-up, you could have the ability to:
Choose between different ISP or Home Network etc.
switch ON User Account selection with password, to ensure that only true account holder activates his/her account.
The idea is just to press one button and automatically get connected and logged on to your isp.
Although Windows 7 and above does this, Windows XP would greatly benefit from this as well.
WindowsXP, on a open architecture 4 core 3mhz borad can still run almost anything even with the use of some great emulators, so its far from being dead. Oh, its a lot faster as well.
This would be very very useful to lessen the burden of new commers trying to get a grips with the ever increasing applications that Windows has, It woul also assist those of us who are seriously ill and can not do various simple tasks.
All the best.