From developer point : it is good news. Write once and run in both Android Phone and Windows machine.
Java existed much much before than Android happened. I remember how our company tried to make Java applications so that we can sell to Win, Linux and also Mac users. Same logic write once and run in all. The problem, Java was very very slow on Windows. There were none Linux desktop users. We tried to 'educate' some clients on the benefit of free Linux OS, but failed miserably. The clients always had some Win version and wanted out program to run fast and efficiently on 'their' machine.
We abandoned Java. I know how much time I devoted to learn Linux OS and Java then. My machine was dual boot with Win and Linux and tried to keep Linux as my main so that I can develop our program. All this is past, and some how I regret wasting time on Linux. I learned that 'we have to follow our client to survive'.
Now that our clients are using Android phone, they are ready to pay for our applications on it. If Android apps run on Windows, then the same program may scale up the screen size and show more information.
As for Google being evil, our hands are tied. We have to follow our client, and they use MS and Android.
I never got chance to develop for Mac or IOS, though I can not say Apple is nor evil. Even Facebook is turning evil, but we developers can not ignore them.