man that looks amazing! thanks!
so I only have to hyperlink the files with <A Href="c.txt"> ?
and I am done?
Even better!
(I make up a lot of my own terms.)
The excel file is "modular" - the different cells contain fragment portions of a full link. So notice that in a link the part of
<A Href="
never changes
So that fragment just lives in its own column
Then you take a program of the "directory reader" type to generate a complete list of all files in a folder. There's basically no limit. So that program produces:
DirRead PreProcessIndex1.txt
That's the only data that changes. So you just paste that into the excel shell.
Then the rest of it closes the link and puts the <BR> line break in there.
Then it just "concatenate smashes" the fragments together into a right side column that's what you copy out.
Then you just copy the right side of the generator into a text file that becomes valid html.
Theoretically you could even access the links from inside the excel file but it's not so bad to have that minor protection of "fat thumb proofing" so you can email that index file or something and your master excel doesn't get damaged.
Hooray for low level hacks!

Plus if accounting or management or someone on those sideways levels get involved, the way the process is designed, you can do basic version control so you can report to your manager that "hey, we had 147 files last March but even though we have 153 now, one of them got deleted - check if it has a valid deletion code on a report or something".